Thursday, January 29, 2009

Flying among clouds

One thing that I would like so much to do, is flyig in a hot air balloon! People who did that say it is the most serene activity they did in their life.And indeed, once you surpass your fear of being "in the air"...I would say open air, it must be wonderful! An unique feeling. To fly among the clouds, to stretch your arm and touch them. Don't try this at home kids! Of course you won't touch any cloud, but the feeling counts :)


Dili said...

I would really feel the clouds in my hand... It's one of my dreams too, after jumping from somewhere with a parachute :-)

Georgi said...

ah, no, no jumping for me, thank you very much!! going up ok, going down...not so good!

Dili said...

Haha, I got the message... so they should put some huge balloons on top of the roller coasters for Georgi :-)))

Anonymous said...

Zborul este un lucru minunat. Daca nici nu esti ingradit de camere presurizate ( avioae), atunci e si" mai minunat". Let your dream come true

Georgi said...

exact asta aveam in minte. cand esti intr-un balon acolo sus, zbori si te simti liber.