Saturday, March 21, 2009

Chocolatiers are getting ready for Easter

Sorry for the quality of the pictures...I forgot my camera at home, and I took them with my phone, when the sun was shining against the display windows.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Am gasit reteta de cozonac

Asa deci si prin urmare...grecii fac comert pe mare! Nu! Nu asta era continuarea pe care o cautam! gasit reteta de cozonac. Cel mai bun cozonac din lume!



1 kg faina
60 g drojdie
250 ml ulei
100 g margarina
250-300 g zahar
500-750 ml lapte
4 oua - galbenusurile se freaca cu putina sare si se lasa timp de 30 min, inainte de a se pune in compozitie

Mod de preparare:

Mai intai se prepara maiaua. Drojdia se amesteca cu 2 linguri de zahar, apoi se adauga lapte caldut si putina faina pana ce aceasta are consistenta unei smantani. Se lasa maiaua la crescut intr-un loc cald, acoperita cu un prosop de bucatarie. Dupa ce creste maiaua se amesteca cu faina, apoi se adauga laptele si ouale si se framanta timp de 1 ora. Dupa 30 min. de framantat, se adauga treptat zaharul si mirodeniile (zahar vanilat, coaja de lamaie, stafide, ce va place) si se framanta pana nu se mai simte la mana, apoi se adauga treptat margarina topita si uleiul si se continua framantarea. Dupa aproximativ o ora de framantat se lasa compozitia la crescut cateva ore. Se unge forma cu ulei, cuptorul se incalzeste in prealabil la 200°, dar inainte de a se pune cozonacii la cuptor se scade temperatura la 180° . Se ung cozonacii cu galbenus de ou frecat cu zahar si se coc 45-60 minute! Bafta!

Spring and flowers

And because I have to walk a lot, and bike a lot...I do that! And while I do that, I take some pictures also.Once I posted a photo of a nice church from Lille. Joker said he liked it, so I promised I would post another photo, of a little church close to my house. I do this now! Also some pictures of some gardens that look springy! The pictures were taken 3 days ago, and meanwhile there is more vegetation, but I am afraid to take more pictures, people might think I am a thief making his I don't want to have to run with a flying broom behind my back!The forest that you see (or the picture with the trees), it is not actually a forest:there is this path that you can talk while walking on a normal street. That means, you are on the street, and then, at the right/left of you, there is this path for pedestrians and bikes that takes you directly in the middle of nature. It is somehow perpendicular on many streets, it is many kilometers long, and it amazes me how they could keep this part of nature in the middle of the village!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Music on the radio!

Two songs that I heard yesterday on the radio and that I like a lot!


Tu dupa ce tanjesti ? (What are you longing for?) - Sa fiu din nou libera, frumoasa si sexy ca la 20 de ani, sa calatoresc :) Libertatea aia care vine din sentimentul ca nu este nimic care te poate opri sa ai ceea ce-ti doresti.
Cand ai spus ultima oara “Te iubesc”? (When did you say "I love you" last time?) - azi dimineata
Defineste fericirea in 3 cuvinte (define happiness in three words)- Pascal,Luca,health
Cand ai fost ultima oara fericit(a)? (When was the last time you were happy?) - Sunt fericita!
Ce crezi ca te face fericit(a)? (What do you think makes you happy?) - Simplul fapt ca traiesc si ca sunt inconjurata de oameni care ma iubesc si ma ajuta cand mi-e greu!
Cand te-ai gandit ultima oara la fericirea ta? (When did you last think about your happiness?) -Niciodata si tot timpul!Fiind o stare de spirit continua (caci sunt fericita,satisfacuta,implinita in sufletul meu,chiar daca nu chiui de fericire tot timpul), o traiesc, nu trebuie sa ma gandesc la ea.Si pt acelasi motiv (ca este o stare de spirit), este tot timpul in mintea mea.

Am luat-o de la Dilimache si o dau lui Copper si Good girls!

Today is the first day of the rest of my life...

Today is the first day of the rest of my life! I know I am not much of a diplomat, and that I don't like to go around the bushes, so...I am just gonna say it: I am not so happy to announce that lately I had some health problems, caused by the huge, enormous number of kilograms that I accumulated during and after my pregnancy, and because I quit smoking. And we are talking 40 kg! If before (when the number was not so high), I was talking discomfort, and a bad aspect, now I talk real threats and real effects that show their ugly face. The process can be reversed if I start a new life today! So, these are the conclusions that were discussed yesterday to the doctor. I still wait for the result of some tests, and hope nothing is so bad. Anyway, for a long time starting today, I will start a battle with everything that meant my daily habits, and build for myself a new life, a new me! It is not gonna be easy, as after I reach the result I want, I must be that kind of person who never lets this happen again! Even if I never met you, even if we meet just in the "air" and we share a virtual reality with roots in our real life, I feel that you care, and this is incredible! Thank you for all your support, I am gonna need it all! Every good thought, any positive word is more than welcome!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Reteta de cozonac

Stiu ca am promis o super reteta de cozonac, dar nu o gasesc nici cu groaza mortii in suflet! Sorry...mai caut...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Casa Inmaran

I found on the net a photo took from above of the house where we spent our honeymoon.

Empire of the sun - Standing on the shore

This one won my heart!

Empire of the sun - we are the people

If you enjoyed the first song, maybe yo want to taste some more...

Empire of the sun - Walking on a dream

Today I entered a music store looking for a certain album. They were playing this. I love it! What you think?