Saturday, March 21, 2009

Chocolatiers are getting ready for Easter

Sorry for the quality of the pictures...I forgot my camera at home, and I took them with my phone, when the sun was shining against the display windows.


Anonymous said...

In Belgium Easter is one week earlier then Romania?

Georgi said...

yes, this time is a week earlier, other times there are more weeks in between, or it is in the same time with the orthodox Easter. It all depends of how the catholics and orthodox calculate...I don't know much about it, but it is not a rule that the catholic easter is a week earlier than the orthodox one.

Dili said...

Georgi iar incepi? Tocmai mi-am luat si eu R. yupiiiiiii!!! Remember, doar o exceptie pe saptamana!

Georgi said...

Suuupeeerrr!!!! ma bucur mult pt tine!!eu am slabit aproape 1 kg (900g)! acum putem sa ne comparam rezultatele, sa ne sustinem moralul...!!ce misto!! cat despre ciocolata, nu vezi ca doar o trag in poza ;)? Ah, ai vazut ca am postat reteta de cozonac?Pupici

Dili said...

Daaa, ti-am zis eu ca nu te las la nevoie hihihi, bineinteles in interes propriu. Am vrut sa vad ce efecte adverse apar, cica insomnii s.a. dar mie deja pe la pranz mi-era somn, asa ca cine n-are bebei care sa-i oboseasca sa-si faca griji, eu una urasc somnul dar nici insomniaca nu ma vad in veci.
Georgi tre; sa schimbi postarea ca-mi apare mereu in sidebar chestia asta cu chocolatiers si, desi nu-mi place franceza, cuvantul acesta asa mi se rostogoleste in gura in glazura de ciocolata topindu-se incat nu mai poci de pofta. Mai buni morcovii, merele & co.

Stelian Muscalu said...

mama ce bine arata. ce-i drept acolo-i patria ei