Saturday, January 10, 2009


Am vizitat zilele trecute unul din magazinele mele preferate, unde gasesti cate putin din toate celor necesare unor ritualuri zilnice, sau saptamanale (sau ori de cate ori va face placere), lucruri care te ajuta sa-ti daruiesti putina detasare, placere, te ajuta sa-ti incarci bateriile dupa sau pentru o noua zi de stres. Uleiuri pentru aroma terapie, creme speciale pentru masatul picioarelor obosite, saruri si uleiuri de baie, tot felul de mici obiecte care te ajuta sa uiti! Sa uiti si sa dai jos de pe tine si din tine mizeriile unei zile prin care ai trecut si ai supravietuit, dar esti prafuit si obosit! Mi-a atras atentia un raft plin de ceainice si cani pentru ceai. Erau asa de frumoase, incat nu te puteai opri sa nu te gandesti ce minunat ar fi sa prepari un ceai cu arome exotice, pe care sa-l pastrezi cald intr-un asemenea ceainic, si sa-l imparti cu cineva drag, sa te bucuri de acest mic ritual cu cineva care este special pentru tine. Cat de mult ar insemna o jumatate de ora de mici nimicuri la o cana de ceai, alaturi de persoana pe care o iubesti, in praful cotidian. Apoi ma intrebam cati dintre noi rupem o jumatate de ora dintr-o zi, ca sa efectuam un ritual (si nu ma refer la sofisticatul ritual al japonezilor pentru ceai) care are in centru propria persoana. O baie cu arome si muzica lina, un ceai fierbinte preparat si baut "cu talc", o jumatate de ora de meditatie, sau orice altceva care ne face cu adevarat placere! Iar lucrurile acelea pentru care sacrificam astfel de momente, se merita cu adevarat,sau ne sunt doar utile?

I visited last days one of my favourite shops, where you can find a variety of things necessary for some daily, or weekly (or whenever you like) rituals, things that help you give yourself a bit of detachment, joy, help you recharge your batteries after (or for a new) day of stress. Oils for aroma therapy, bath salts and oils, creams for massaging tired feet, all kind of small things to help you forget. To forget and get read of the dirt you gathered in a whole day that passed, and you survived, but you are dusty and tired! My attention was caught by a shelf full of teapots and tea cups. They were so beautiful, that I could help myself thinking, how wonderful would be to prepare some tea, with exotic flavour, that you keep hot in such a teapot, that you drink and share this little pleasure with someone you love, someone special for you! How much would mean besides the daily dust; a half an hour of sweet little nothings in the company of the person you cherish the most! I was asking myself how many of us take a half an hour every day, for a ritual destined for ourselves (and I'm not talking about someting very sofisticated like the Japanese ritual for tea). A bath with sweet aromas and soft music, a cup of hot tea that you drink in a special manner, a half an hour of meditation, or whatever makes you pleasure! And those other things for whose sake we sacrifice our special moments...are they worthy, or just usefull?

Friday, January 9, 2009

Probleme existentiale - Existential issues

Vorbeam cu o zi in urma, in gluma, despre probleme existentiale. Dar acum, stau si ma gandesc...cand incetam sa ne mai punem astfel de probleme, si de ce? Care este mediul propice cultivarii lor, si ce determina exterminarea lor? Cand eram adolescenta, eram plina de probleme existentiale, ca adolescentu' de cosuri! Sunt problemele existentiale apanajul tineretii, tribut hormonal, sau apar in urma frustrarilor, datorita faptului ca esti dependent (mai ales) material de altii (parinti, la varsta respectiva), or pur si simplu nu ai altceva mai bun de facut cu timpul tau, si odata ce ai responsabilitati (copii, rate,etc), nu mai ai timp se de alte probleme? De ce aveam probleme existentiale cand eram adolescenta, si acum, in postura de mamica si nevasta, dorm fara sa visez macar la ele?

I was talking a day before, in a joking manner, about existential issues. But now, I am thinking...when do we stop having such issues, and why? What is the good environment to cultivate them, and what leads to their extermination? When I was a teenager,I was full of existential issues, like a teenager full of pimples.Are existential issues the prerogative of youth, hormonal tribute, or they come because of frustrations, due to the fact that you are dependant (financially especially) on others (parents, at that age), or maybe you just don't have anything better to do with your time, and once you've got responsabilities (children, bank loans,etc), you simply don't have the time for such things? Why did I have existential issues when I was a teenager, and now, as a mommy and wife, I don't even dream about them?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Candela (natural fire)

Sotul meu mi-a adus o planta minunata. Se numeste Foc natural. O(il) iubesc asa de mult!!!

My husband brought me a new plant. It's called "natural fire". I love it (him) sooo much!!

Daca te plictisesti-mananca ceva! If you ar getting bored-eat someting!

Din lipsa de inspiratie, si ca orice gospodina fara probleme existentiale, m-am gandit sa trantesc si eu pe blog o reteta! Aici ar fi de comentat, caci ceea ce va prezint, este foarte pretentios numita "o reteta", si totodata, cu sau fara probleme existentiale, tot trebuie sa mancam (macar din cand in cand), si deci, chiar daca nu vin cu un post interesant, s-o gasi cineva pentru care "reteta" sa fie macar utila intr-o buna zi!Ceea ce veti vedea este delicios, foarte usor si foarte rapid de preparat.Se poate servi ca atare sau ca garnitura cu o fripturica de vaca (ori un cotlet de porc) alaturi. Va trebuie o conserva de fasole verde, un pachet de bacon (din accea stil american, pentru mic dejun, in felii foarte subtiri), un pachetel de branza de capra, chimen, piper.
Faceti manunchiuri din fasole verde pe care le infasurati in cate o felie de bacon.Apoi taiati rotocoale de branza pe care presarati cateva semine de cimen.Le infasurati si pe acestea in felii de bacon.

Pachetelele astfel facute se prajesc intr-un pic de unt de gatit. Merge si ulei. Puneti un pic de piper cand sunt in tigaie (da un aspect placut, se prajesc frumos)

Apoi...le mancati!

Inca un post despre ciocolata! Another post about chocolate!

Am sa las pozele sa vorbesca despre un coltisor minunat in Brugge, unde poti sa bei ciocolata calda, cu o multime de arome la care ti-ar fi greu sa te gandesti daca nu le-ai vedea pe menu. Nu lispesc milkshake-urile (bineinteles tot cu ciocolata si alte arome in combinatie cu...ciocolata, evident!!)! Deasemenea poti sa mananci salate, sandwichiuri si alte minuni, care contin si...ciocolata! De pilda: salata cu piept de pui, capere, si sos de ciocolata! Nu am mancat nimic acolo (desi deserturile cu...ghici ce?! Iti spun tot eu:CIOCOLATA!, suna bineeee!!), dar am baut faimoasa lor ciocolata calda, si va spun sincer ca-si face banii (pret triplu fata de o ciocolata calda obisnuita bauta oriunde altundeva). Cred ca nu mai trebuie sa adaug ca locul colcaie de adolescenti hormonali, care adora, si au mare nevoie de ciocolata!!

I am gonna let the photos talk about a wonderful little place in Brugge, where you can drink warm choco, with a multitude of flavours which you could hardly imagine if you didn't see on the menu. The milkshake are also present (of course with chocolate and other flavours combined with chocolate, of course!!) Also you can eat salades, sandwiches and other goodies, which contain also...chocolate! For instance: salad with chicken breast, and chocolatesauce! I didn't eat anything there (though the desserts with...guess what?! I tell you: CHOCOLATE!, looked soo good!), but I drank their famous hot choco, that is worth every penny (triple price comapring with any other place). I guess I don't have to mention that the place is full with teenagers, very hormonal and in need of chocolate!

Dead can love!! The best song EVER!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Strada salutarilor- Greetings street

Cand intri in oras, la intersectia cu prima strada la dreapta, a aparut un indicator nou: Strada salutarilor! Asta inseamna ca trecatorii se saluta pe aceasta strada, sau macar asa ar fi frumos! Cu zambete largi pe fata, ne fluturam mainile mai ceva decat niste papusi mecanice. Este a treia zi cand trecem pe strada si salutam, asa cum ne invata indicatorul. Pana acum, lumea se uita ciudat la noi (probabil se intreaba daca-i confundam cu altcineva, daca suntem nebuni, sau ne batem joc de ei). Noi, suntem curiosi cate zile vor trece pana cand cineva ne va intoarce salutul!?

When you enter in town, at the intersection with the first street to the right, there is a new sign: greetings street! That means that the people who pass on this street should greet each other,or at least this would be nice!With big smiles on out faces, we wave our hands like mechanical dolls. It's the thirs day when we pass on this street and greet, like the sign tells us. Till now, people look strangely a us (maybe they assume we mistake them for somebody else, if we are crazy or simply mock them). We are curious how many days must pass till somebody will return the greeting!?

Bunatati in Brugge - goodies in Brugge

Acestea sunt cele mai vandute "modele". Turistii considera ca sunt cadouri originale pe care sa le aduca acasa la prieteni sau familie. Tu pe care ai alege-o?
These "models" are sold the most. Tourists consider they are original, funny gifts to take home to family or friends. Which one would you choose?

Bunatati in Brugge - goodies in Brugge

chocolate santa!!

(home made cookies) cure gourmande-are biscuiti si fursecuri artisanale

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The miracle of life!

I promised to share with you the moment of my son’s birth. Women know the feeling, this unique event, even if we experience it different, its essence is the same: a miracle! I had a difficult pregnancy, starting with the 5th month. Even though I had no nausea, or any other physical misery which come in the “package” with the miracle, I took a lot o weight…like 36kg…and this mostly because I had to quit smoking. I remember how I was struggling to climb the stairs, and how people on the street were asking me if I had twins or triplets. The due date was planned on 3rd of May, but I was hoping since April that maybe, maybe…The last days were a nightmare, I couldn’t get down from the bed without help, and the news from the gynecologist were not very encouraging: my cervix was looking like I was 3 months pregnant, so, with a big smile on her face, my doctor announced me that if nothing happened till 3rd of May ( I had not even one contraction during all my pregnancy), then cesarean birth was a potential solution. I cried for 5 days continuously when I found out that cesarean section is for sure (from 3rd of May till 8th of May when the surgery was planned). I was spending my time mostly in the bath tub , as I couldn’t bare the excessive weight anymore. My husband was caressing my hair or massaging my back, torn by my tears and suffering. On 8th of May, early in the morning we went to the hospital. They tried in vain to induce labor to me! At least I had the consolation that I felt no pain whatsoever during my entire pregnancy. This was the “technical” part of the story. Now, the emotional part!Thanks God, I gave birth in a country where the father of the baby (or whomever you wish), can assist to the birth (even if it’s a cesarean)! Thus, the little one can be welcomed by both parents, so the joy of the first meet, double! My wonderful husband was a strong support during all my pregnancy, and I was dependant by his support and presence in the surgery room. But, for I don’t know what reason, during anesthesia, nobody is allowed to be there, except for the doctors. I didn’t know that, so I was desperately begging them (being out of the line, I know…)to bring in the father of the child. They were young doctors, who very politely comforted me, and lying that the father is in the changing room for his sterile cloths. But I could see him at the door, at the end of the little corridor just outside the surgery room. I was insisting almost crying (I would have cried if I wasn’t too ashamed!)…they were talking and talking to me, keeping me distracted. I put my foot down: “who’s gonna hold my hand while you put needles in my spine?” One of them came to hold my hands…Then, with “my half” next to my head, we were waiting for the smallest piece of flash from our flash, to come out from my belly! It didn’t take long…10-15 minutes…I kept on asking my husband: “Is he here? Is he coming?” With his legendary calm, though excited at the maximum, he was answering to me: “Not yet, my love, just a little longer, just a little!” He was holding my hand, and with the other one, he was caressing my hair. Then, I heard Luca screaming! Even now days, I am convinced that he was sleeping in mommy’s belly, where was warm and good for him, and he got really upset to be pushed out in the strong light, in that cold room! They gave him to us almost immediately. They put him on my chest, so that he could feel my warmth, smell, and my heartbeat, so the shock of coming in this world would be diminished. He calmed down almost immediately, just us, the parents, kept on crying. I spent 5 days in the hospital. I slept I don’t know how many hours. The days, were spent together, the three of us. My husband came around 8 o’clock in the morning, and left around midnight. In the night, I couldn’t sleep because of the cut and the pain I had with every movement. I couldn’t have slept, even without pain! From the bed, I could see the street with light polls which spread a red light over the green little park. Next to me “the beginning of my life” was sleeping (my husband says that once your baby is born, you are born too, you forget your life, the way it was before, or how come it was possible without this little creature who needs you so much!), and for me it was so hard to believe that he was mine, “out of me”, that I “did” that! For mother’s day, spent also in the hospital, I got from pappy a perfume as a gift: very irresistible. It’s strange how whenever I wear that perfume ( I still have a little), I feel weak ! Just the way I felt in those days, in the hospital, with that huge cut under my belly. Many times, on my way to the park, with the trolley, I passed in the back of the hospital, and looked up to the window of “our room”. I’m pissed! Either I lack talent, or miracles cannot be translated in words, unless you talk the “miraculous language”…I don’t know the reason but I am very pissed that I couldn’t express exactly what means red lights on a street in the night, just next to the park, and a certain perfume that anybody can buy and carelessly spray on the neck, or on the hand wrist, not even thinking that this can be the unseen link to the magic of the beginning of life!

By the way, Luca got his first haircut today!!

Miracolul vietii

Am promis ca am sa impartasesc cu voi momentul nasterii fiului meu. Femeile cunosc sentimentul, experienta aceasta fara egal, chiar daca trecem diferit prin ea, in esenta ramane aceeasi:un miracol!Am avut o sarcina dificila, incepand cam de pe la 5 luni. Desi nu am cunoscut greturi si alte mizerii de ordin fizic care vin "in pachet" cu miracolul, am luat mult in greutate...doar asta mai mult din cauza renuntarii la fumat. Mi-amintesc cum ma opinteam sa urc scarile ca sa merg la toaleta, si cum lumea pe strada ma intreba daca am gemeni sau tripleti. "Ziua scadentei" mi-era programata pe 3 mai, dar eu trageam sperante inca din aprilie ca poate, poate...Ultimele zile au fost un cosmar, nu ma mai puteam da jos din pat fara ajutor, iar vestile de la ginecolog nu erau deloc imbucuratoare:cervix-ul meu arata ca al unei gravide in luna a treia, asa ca, cu zambetul pe buze, doctorita m-a anuntat ca daca pana pe 3 mai nu se intampla nimic (nu am simtit nici macar o jumatate de contractie pe toata durata graviditatii), atunci solutia ar fi cezariana. Timp de 5 zile (de pe 3 mai cand am aflat ca va fi cu siguranta cezariana si pana pe 8 cand operatia era programata)am plans intr-una!Din cauza greutatii pe care nu o mai suportam, stateam mai mult in cada, cu sotul meu care-mi mangaia parul sau imi facea masaj, sfasiat de lacrimile si de suferinta mea.Pe 8 mai, dimineata devreme, ne-am dus la spital. Au incercat sa-mi provoace travaliul, dar nimic! Macar am consolarea ca nu am cunoscut nici un fel de dureri ale nasterii. Asta a fost partea "tehnica" a povestirii. Partea emotionala urmeaza acum!Slava Domnului am nascut intr-o tara in care tatal (ori cine iti doresti tu), poate fi alaturi de tine atunci cand nasti (fie si prin cezariana). Astfel, micutul este intampinat de ambii parinti, si bucuria primei vederi, dubla! Sotul meu minunat, mi-a fost sprijin de nadejde, iar eu dependenta de ajutorul si prezenta lui. Din nu stiu ce motiv, in timpul anesteziei, nu are voie nimeni sa asiste in afara de doctori. Nu am stiut asta, ma rugam cu disperare ridicola si deplasata (cred eu...)de ei sa-l aduca pe tatal copilului! Erau niste doctori tineri, si cu delicatete ma consolau, mintindu-ma ca tatal se schimba cu haine sterile de aceea nu e acolo, dar il vedem la usa de la capatul micului coridor,ca asteapta sa fie lasat inauntru. Eu insistam aproape plangand (as fi plans, dar mi-era rusine), ei ma tineau de vorba. Apoi am pus piciorul in prag: "cine ma tine de mana cand imi bagati ace in spinare, daca nu-l lasati sa intre?" Unul dintre doctori a venit sa ma tina de mana! Apoi, cu jumatatea mea la capul meu, asteptam cea mai mica bucatica din noi, sa iasa din burtica mea! Nu a trecut mult, poate 10-15 min... Il intrebam pe sotul meu intr-una: "A venit? Vine?"
Iar el, cu calmul lui de legenda, desi emotionat la maxim imi raspundea: "Nu inca, iubita mea, mai e putin, inca putin!" Ma tinea de mana in timp ce cu cealalta mana ma mangaia pe par. Apoi, l-am auzit pe Luca tipand! Si acum sunt convinsa ca dormea la mama in burtica, unde era cald si bine, si s-a suparat tare mult cand l-au scos brusc la lumina, si in camera aia rece ca orice sala de operatie! Ni l-au dat aproape imediat. L-au pus pe pieptul meu gol, ca sa continue sa-mi simta caldura,mirosul, bataile inimii, si astfel socul de a veni pe lume sa fie mai mic. S-a linistit imediat ce m-a simtit, numai noi, parintii mai plangeam.Am stat 5 zile in spital. Am dormit doar nu stiu cate ore. Zilele le petreceam toti trei. Sotul meu venea dimineata, in jur de 8, si pleca pe la miezul noptii. Eu, nu puteam sa dorm din cauza operatiei si a pozitilor incomode in care trebuia sa stau. Dar nici n-as fi putut sa dorm, chiar daca n-as fi avut dureri. Vedeam din pat strada cu felinare ce raspandeau o lumina rosie peste parcul plin de verdeta. Langa mine dormea "inceputul vietii mele" (, asa cum spune sotul meu, dupa ce ti se naste copilul, uiti viata ta de dinainte, si cum era ea posibila fara fiinta asta micuta, care are atata nevoie de tine!), iar mie imi era asa de greu sa cred, ca este al meu, din mine, ca eu am "facut" asta! De ziua mamei pe care am petrecut-o in spital, am primit cadou de la papi un parfum: very irresistible.Este ciudat, cum si acum, cand ma parfumez cu el (mai am putin!), ma simt...slabita!Asa cum ma simteam in acele zile, abea miscandu-ma cu taietura aceea uriasa sub burta. De multe ori, in drum spre parc, cu caruciorul, treceam pe langa spital, si ma uitam la ultima fereastra ce apartinea salonului "nostru". Mi-e ciuda! Ori imi lipseste talentul, ori miracolele nu pot fi traduse in cuvinte, daca nu stii "limba miraculoasa", nu stiu din ce motiv, dar mi-e tare ciuda ca nu am putut sa exprim exact ce inseamna lumini rosii pe o strada in noapte, chiar linga parc, si un parfum anume pe care oricine il poate cumpara si vaporiza neglijent pe pielea gatului sau pe incheietura mainii, fara sa intuiasca ca este un "link" nevazut spre magia inceputului unei vieti.

Dance Luca, dance!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

brugge at night

view on the "canal of Brugge"

detail of a building

Brugge at night (or almost...)

my favourite shop
the tea-rooms in the center
the belfrey
the cityhall, here we got married

entrance in town

my fairy name

Your fairy is called Bracken Elfshimmer
She is a cheerful sprite.
She lives where bracken and curling ferns grow.
She is only seen when the first flowers begin to blossom.
She dresses in leafy bracken-green. She has delicate green wings like a cicada.
Get your free fairy name here!

poze din ziua plantarii

Chiciura si promoroaca

Nu e ceva obisnuit sa ai temperaturi cu minus pe meleagurile astea. Ba, mai mult, se zvoneste ca de luni se asteapta zapada!! Zapada!!!! Fantezia si frica cetateanului obisnuit. Dar pana atunci, ne multumim cu ceva chiciura si promoroaca, si oleaca de ceata pe ici pe colo. Azi a fost o zi de plictiiiiis...! Citeam eu pe blogul unei prietene, ca pe lista ei de "dorinte care sa se indeplineasca in 2009" (dea Domnul sa i se implineasca toate), plictisul isi are locul lui de cinste! Iar altii, nu stiu ce sa mai faca cu el, si cum sa scape. Deci, pentru ca tot ma plictiseam, mi-am rugat consortul sa facem o tura cu masina. Turele cu masina sunt activitatea mea preferata! M-as muta in masina daca as putea. Imi place ca poti cuprinde intr-un timp scurt, o zona cat mai cuprinsa din peisaj. E adevarat ca nu poti savura tot ce vezi asa cum se intampla cand te plimbi, dar pe mine ma incanta masina la maxim (cu conditia sa nu conduc eu). Slava Domnului, fi-miu in seamana. Ii pun Shrek sau muzica lui preferata la micul dvd de masina, si uite asa am voiajat pana in Romania si inapoi (4 zile dus, ca ne-am oprit in Ungaria la Balaton pt. o zi), trei zile intors, apoi dupa numai doua luni ne-am dus in Portugalia, tot cu masina, evident (trei zile dus, trei intors), si baiatul meu nu s-a plans nici macar 5 minute! Dar nu despre asta era vorba :)Inainte sa locuim in Brugge, am locuit in Oostende, la mare. Acolo s-a nascut Luca, in apartamentul din balconul caruia puteai sa vezi marea. Suna idilic, doar ca de fapt Luca s-a nascut la spital, iar vantul permanent dintr-un oras de coasta, nu e pentru mine. Iar la cateva luni dupa ce s-a nascut Luca, am primit o scrisorica de la primarie, cum ca suntem invitati (impreuna cu toti parintii copiilor nascuti in 2007) sa plantam un pom pentru baiatul nostru in "padurea nasterii". Asta inseamna ca pe un teren al primariei din afara orasului, in fiecare an, este alocat un lot de pamant, si pomuletii aferenti, pe care ii planteaza parintii, la un pahar de ciocolata calda si in muzica Eniei. Ceea ce este mai interesant, dupa ce ne-am mutat in Brugge, primaria acestui oras ne-a invitat sa facem acelasi lucru, chiar daca Luca nu s-a nascut aici! Deci, ne-am dus sa mai vizitam pomisorul plantat pe 16 martie 2008 in Oostende. Pe drum, atata minunatie, incat m-am gandit s-o impartasesc cu voi. Ceata, apus de soare rasfrant in niste mori de vant, chiciura si promoroaca. Va las sa va bucurati de poze, ca eu am vorbit destul. Am sa pun ceva poze si din ziua in care am plantat pomul (un stejarel falnic, asa ca pentru un baiat voinic!), si din cele facute astazi, cu pomisorul acoperit de promoraca. of the...week...