Am sa las pozele sa vorbesca despre un coltisor minunat in Brugge, unde poti sa bei ciocolata calda, cu o multime de arome la care ti-ar fi greu sa te gandesti daca nu le-ai vedea pe menu. Nu lispesc milkshake-urile (bineinteles tot cu ciocolata si alte arome in combinatie cu...ciocolata, evident!!)! Deasemenea poti sa mananci salate, sandwichiuri si alte minuni, care contin si...ciocolata! De pilda: salata cu piept de pui, capere, si sos de ciocolata! Nu am mancat nimic acolo (desi deserturile cu...ghici ce?! Iti spun tot eu:CIOCOLATA!, suna bineeee!!), dar am baut faimoasa lor ciocolata calda, si va spun sincer ca-si face banii (pret triplu fata de o ciocolata calda obisnuita bauta oriunde altundeva). Cred ca nu mai trebuie sa adaug ca locul colcaie de adolescenti hormonali, care adora, si au mare nevoie de ciocolata!!
I am gonna let the photos talk about a wonderful little place in Brugge, where you can drink warm choco, with a multitude of flavours which you could hardly imagine if you didn't see on the menu. The milkshake are also present (of course with chocolate and other flavours combined with chocolate, of course!!) Also you can eat salades, sandwiches and other goodies, which contain also...chocolate! For instance: salad with chicken breast, and chocolatesauce! I didn't eat anything there (though the desserts with...guess what?! I tell you: CHOCOLATE!, looked soo good!), but I drank their famous hot choco, that is worth every penny (triple price comapring with any other place). I guess I don't have to mention that the place is full with teenagers, very hormonal and in need of chocolate!
Ciocolata ca ciocolata, da eu ce ma fac cu cura mea?
Ar trebui sa te angajeze primaria Brugge-ului pentru promo. Frumos!!
Have you read Chocolat- Joanne Harris?
After reading that I decided to try hot chocolate with a touch of chilli, it is my favourite!
I didn't read the book, but, didn't they make a movie after it? Cause that I've seen! I was just about to try, but then I tried some with praline, cause that I was sure I liked...I am gonna try and tell you!
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