Inainte de culcare, sotul, cu o fata impasibila, ii aduce sotiei un pahar cu apa si un algocalmin. I le intinde fara o vorba.
-Ce-i asta? Pentru ce imi dai o pastila? intreaba sotia intrigata
- Este pentru durerea ta de cap, raspunde sotul
- Dar nu ma doare capul...!
-Ahaaa..!!! se lumineaza sotul
Before going to bed, the husband with an impassive face, brings to his wife a glass of water and a painkiller. He gives them to her without a word
- What is this? What for? asks the woman intrigued
- It is for your headache, honey, answers the husband
- But I don't have a headache...!
- Ahaaa....!!! the face of the husband brightens up
Sotul si sotia la zoo, se apropie de cusca in care o gorila, apatica, manca fructe. Sotul fascinat, se uita la gorila, apoi ii spune sotiei:
- Am o idee! Scoate-ti bluza, sa vedem daca poti sa-i atragi atentia gorilei!
- Cum sa-mi scot bluza, innebunit?
-Hai ma pisi, scoate-ti bluza, sunt tare curios daca o sa reactioneze in vreun fel. Sotia, se uita in stanga, in dreapta, nu era nimeni, asa ca-si scoate bluza. Gorila se apropie de grilaj si incepe sa se holbeze cu interes la femeie.
- Auzi, stii ceva, scoate-ti si fusta!
Dupa ceva insistente, sotia convinsa, isi scoate si fusta. Gorila incepe sa dea semne de agitatie
- Ma pisi, daca iti scoti si sutienul, esti cea mai tare!
- Esti total nebun...cum sa fac asa ceva? Dar pana la urma, la staruintele lui, isi scoate sutienul.
Gorila incepe sa se agite frenetic, se izbeste cu pumnii in piept, apoi se arunca in grilajul custii.
Sotul, incitat la maxim, incepe sa-si implore nevasta sa-si scoata si chilotii.
- Draga, mergi prea departe, daca ma vede cineva...dar, ma rog, daca am ajuns pana incepe sa-si scoata chilotii.Gorila o luase razna definitiv. Se agita la maxim, scotea tot felul de sunete ascutite, se tavalea pe jos...Sotia era acum total goala, iar sotul, cu o miscare scurta o arunca in cusca gorilei.
- Na, acum spune-i lui ca te doare capul!
A couple, at the zoo, come close to the cage of a gorilla, who was eating his fruits, very indifferent.
The husband, fascinated, is looking to the gorilla, then he says to his wife:
- Darling, I have an idea! Why don't you take off your blouse, to see if the gorilla is gonna react in any way.
- How shall I do that, here, in a public place are you crazy?
- Come on baby, please take off your blouse, I am very curious to see what he's doing!
The wife is looking to the left, to the right, there is nobody, so she takes off her blouse. Gorilla is approaching the net of the cage, and starts to stare with a lot of curiosity to the woman.
- You know what? Why don't you take off your skirt also?
After some insisting, the wife is convinced to take off her skirt. Gorilla starts to be restless.
- Honey, if you take off your bra, you are the coolest!
- Are you insane? I'm not gonna do such a thing! But, after a lot of begging, she is persuaded. Gorilla starts to be very agitated, to hit his chest with his fists, to throw himself against the net of the cage. The husband, excited to the maximum, starts to beg his wife to take off her panties also.
- Dear, you go too far, what if somebody sees me...but, anyway, if I did all the rest, what a hell! and she starts to take off her panties. Gorilla is going totally mad. He is screaming, making all kind of sharp noises, rolling on the ground, agitated, etc. The wife is now naked. The husband, with a quick move throws her in the cage:
- Here you go! Now, you tell him that you have a headache!
chiar daca... asa cum e... oricat de mult... nu conteaza cat de tare... invata sa respiri fericire!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Nu ca am fi epuizat subiectul ciocolata, dar asa pentru variatie, hai sa vorbim despre inghetata!
In Olanda, la vreo 25km de locul unde locuiesc se afla o "dughenitza",cu cea mai buna inghetata posibila!Preferata mea este:iaurt,cirese,fulgi de ciocolata alba.Pascal a luat una cu:vanilie,mar,scortisoara si napolitana.Sa vorbeasca pozele!!
Not that we exhausted the chocolate subject, but let's talk about ice-cream,just for variation!
In Holland, about 25 km from the place I live, there is this little "hut" with the best possible ice-cream!My favourite is:cherries,yoghurt, and white chocolate flakes. Pascal took :vanilla, apple, cinnamon and wafle. Let the photos talk!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Provocare - Challenge
M-am gandit sa lansez o mica provocare amuzanta! Am sa postez o poza facuta la intamplare unor persoane pe care nu le cunosc (si spre rusinea mea nici nu le-am cerut permisiunea de a-i fotografia; dar scopul "nobil" scuza mijloacele marsave.Haha), iar voi puteti croi o mica poveste pe fundalul pozei. Cine credeti ca sunt cei doi din poza (puteti sa le dati si nume daca vreti), ce relatie este intre ei, cu ce se ocupa in viata de zi cu zi...Nu trebuie sa urmariti sa fiti "exacti" (nici nu aveti cum, caci nu cunosc persoanele si nu pot verifica veridicitatea afirmatiilor voastre). Trebuie sa fiti cat mai fantezisti, amuzanti, sa va lasati imaginatia sa zburde salbatic pe cararile aberatiilor, sau ma rog, orice va face sa zambiti, sau credeti ca ne-ar face pe noi sa zambim! Bafta!
I thought it would be nice to come with a funny challenge! I am gonna post here a picture that I took by default to some people I don't know (and to my shame and blame, I didn't ask permission from to take their photo; but the "noble" goal will excuse the tricky means.Haha), and you are invited to build a little story on the background of the photo. You should say who you think those people are (even name them if you like), what kind of relationship you think there is between the two, what their occupation is in the daily life...You should not try to be exact in your appreciations (you couldn't anyway, as I don't know the people and I can't check the truth of your statements) . You should try to be fanciful, funny, let your imagination run wild on the path of abberation, or whatever makes you smile, or you think might make us smile!Good luck!
I thought it would be nice to come with a funny challenge! I am gonna post here a picture that I took by default to some people I don't know (and to my shame and blame, I didn't ask permission from to take their photo; but the "noble" goal will excuse the tricky means.Haha), and you are invited to build a little story on the background of the photo. You should say who you think those people are (even name them if you like), what kind of relationship you think there is between the two, what their occupation is in the daily life...You should not try to be exact in your appreciations (you couldn't anyway, as I don't know the people and I can't check the truth of your statements) . You should try to be fanciful, funny, let your imagination run wild on the path of abberation, or whatever makes you smile, or you think might make us smile!Good luck!
Noi astia care lucram sa construim si sa schimbam lumea! Us who work to build and change the world!
Tocmai am vazut din nou (pentru a cata oara?) filmul "Dangerous minds". Un film vechi, dar extrem de bogat in semnificatii, un film care ma inspira de fiecare data cand il vad, care ma rascoleste pana la lacrimi cu aproape fiecare secventa, fiecare replica. Sunt convinsa ca multi dintre voi stiu despre ce vorbesc, iar daca n-ati vazut inca filmul, faceti in asa fel si nu-l scapati!Nu am sa fac un rezumat al filmului, nici nu am sa incerc sa-l disec. Am sa ma opresc numai asupra unui singur aspect, si a ceea ce am simtit eu. Este uimitor, zdrobitor de inaltator, ceea ce cateodata un singur om poate sa faca! Cum un singur om poate tine in mana sa destinele multor altor oameni, si alege sa faca bine! Sa iubeasca, sa daruiasca, sa se daruiasca, sa-i pese, sa se sacrifice, sa lupte, sa dea speranta, sa imparta forta, sa ierte, sa inteleaga, sa lumineze, sa calauzeasca, sa deschida, sa dezpovareze, sa sprijine, sa ajute, sa fie! Acolo! La locul potrivit! In momentul potrivit! Si cand vorbesc de omul ce tine destine in mana, nu ma refer la politician, pentru ca politicianul arareori va alege sa faca bine. Ma refer la profesor. Acela al carui salariu este cam 5% din salariul politicianului, si asta intr-un caz fericit! Sau la simplul om care crede! Crede in puterea lui de a schimba lumea, de a construi una mai buna. Si zau ca atunci cand crezi, esti cel mai puternic om din lume! Si lucrurile incep sa prinda contur si sa se intample! Acum, nu stiu, fie nu am destula credinta, ori putere, dar mi se pare ca nu pot sa schimb lumea. Si atunci plang pentru ea, si ma uit la altii care pot si fac!
I just watched again (for how many times?) the movie called "Dangerous minds". An older movie, but extremely rich in meanings, a movie that inspires me every time I see it, and touches me deeply with each line, with each scene. I am sure that most of you know what I am talking about, but if you haven't seen the movie yet, don't miss it! I am not gonna tell what the movie is about, I am just gonna stop to only one aspect of it, and to the way I felt about it. It is amazing, crushingly big, what sometimes, one man can do! How one man can hold in his hand the destiny of many others, and he chooses to do good!To love, to give, to give himslef,to care, to fight, to sacrifice himself, to give hope, to share strength, to forgive, to understand, to enlighten, to guide, to open, to relieve, to support, to help, to be! There! In the right place, at the right moment! And when I talk about the man who holds destinies in his hand, I don't talk about the politician, as a politician rarely will choose to do good. I talk about the teacher. The teacher whose salary is about 5% of the politician's salary, and this in a happy case. Or, I talk about the simple man who believes! He believes in his power to change the world, to build a better one! And, when you believe, you are the strongest man in the world! and things start to have a clear shape, and to happen! Now, I don't know, but either I don't have enough faith, or not enough force, but it seems I can't change the world. And then, I cry for the world, and look to others who can and do!
I just watched again (for how many times?) the movie called "Dangerous minds". An older movie, but extremely rich in meanings, a movie that inspires me every time I see it, and touches me deeply with each line, with each scene. I am sure that most of you know what I am talking about, but if you haven't seen the movie yet, don't miss it! I am not gonna tell what the movie is about, I am just gonna stop to only one aspect of it, and to the way I felt about it. It is amazing, crushingly big, what sometimes, one man can do! How one man can hold in his hand the destiny of many others, and he chooses to do good!To love, to give, to give himslef,to care, to fight, to sacrifice himself, to give hope, to share strength, to forgive, to understand, to enlighten, to guide, to open, to relieve, to support, to help, to be! There! In the right place, at the right moment! And when I talk about the man who holds destinies in his hand, I don't talk about the politician, as a politician rarely will choose to do good. I talk about the teacher. The teacher whose salary is about 5% of the politician's salary, and this in a happy case. Or, I talk about the simple man who believes! He believes in his power to change the world, to build a better one! And, when you believe, you are the strongest man in the world! and things start to have a clear shape, and to happen! Now, I don't know, but either I don't have enough faith, or not enough force, but it seems I can't change the world. And then, I cry for the world, and look to others who can and do!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Doneaza par! - Give hair!
Inainte de Craciun am participat si eu (cu 25 cm par) la campania "Doneaza par!". Cineva s-a gandit la bolnavii de cancer, si la cat de mult conteaza pentru ei o peruca de par nautral. Pe langa faptul ca oamenii acestia pe care soarta i-a impovorat cu asemenea boala cruda, ca trebuie sa urmeze tratamente complicate, ca se confrunta cu un milion de alte probleme pe langa suferinta provocata de boala, trebuie deasemenea sa se confrunte cu aspectul estetic neplacut si cu factorul psihologic al caderii parului. Poate ca acesta este cel mai mic rau, totusi, daca poti sa-i ameliorezi ce nu? Departe de mine ideea de a-mi ridica o statuie pentru ca mi-am donat parul, dar nu va puteti imagina(sau paote da!) cat de mult m-a rasplatit gestul pe care l-am facut, ideea ca poti face ceva bun pentru altcineva, cu atat de putin! Am fost fericita sa vad fetite de 12-13 ani care-si taiau parul pentru bolnavii de cancer, adolescenti care pentru nu stiu ce "motiv rock" si-au lasat parul sa creasca si acum il donau! Coafezele abea faceau fata afluxului de persoane venite sa fac acest gest simplu, umanitar. Tunsoarea si coafatul erau gratis, ti se serveau gustari, bauturi racoritoare si vin, iar la plecare, intr-o maniera foarte modesta, ti se inmana o sacosa cu produse Panthen. Dupa cateva zile, primeai o poze cu look-ul de "dupa", si o scrisoare (inca una!)de multumire. Ceea ce m-a impresionat insa pana la lacrimi, a fost gazda evenimentului, ea insasi o supravietuitoare a cancerului. Nu am sa uit niciodata ochii aceia in care se citea sincera gratitudine, si modesta bucurie atunci cand se uita la noi, cei veniti acolo sa raspundem unui strigat de ajutor!
Before Christmas I also participated(with 25cm hair) to the campaign "Give Hair!" Somebody thought about cancer pacients, and how important it's for them to have a natural hair wig. besides the fact that those people were burdened by destiny with such a cruel disease, fight with pain, besides the fact they must follow complicated treatments, they must also deal with the loss of hair, and the psychological factor created by this. Maybe this is the least bad, but if you can ameliorate it, why not? Far from me the idea to put myself on a pedestal for donating my hair, but you cannot imagine (or maybe you can!) how rewarding was the little gesture I made, the idea that you can do so much with so little! I was happy to see little girls, 12-13 years old who came to cut their hair for the cancer pacients, teenagers who, for I don't know what "rock" reason grew a very long hair that was now ready to be donated! The hairdressers could barely deal with all the people who were there to make this simple, human gesture. The haircut was for free, you were served some snacks, soft drinks and wine, and when you were leaving, you were given in a very modest manner, a bag with Panthen products. After several days you were receiving a photo with your "after" look, and a thank you letter (another one!). What I will never forget thou, and impressed me to the deepest of my heart, was the hostess of this event. Herself a cancer survivor, she had this immense modesty, joy, and sincere gratitude, when she was looking to us, the ones who came to answer this humanitarian call!
Before Christmas I also participated(with 25cm hair) to the campaign "Give Hair!" Somebody thought about cancer pacients, and how important it's for them to have a natural hair wig. besides the fact that those people were burdened by destiny with such a cruel disease, fight with pain, besides the fact they must follow complicated treatments, they must also deal with the loss of hair, and the psychological factor created by this. Maybe this is the least bad, but if you can ameliorate it, why not? Far from me the idea to put myself on a pedestal for donating my hair, but you cannot imagine (or maybe you can!) how rewarding was the little gesture I made, the idea that you can do so much with so little! I was happy to see little girls, 12-13 years old who came to cut their hair for the cancer pacients, teenagers who, for I don't know what "rock" reason grew a very long hair that was now ready to be donated! The hairdressers could barely deal with all the people who were there to make this simple, human gesture. The haircut was for free, you were served some snacks, soft drinks and wine, and when you were leaving, you were given in a very modest manner, a bag with Panthen products. After several days you were receiving a photo with your "after" look, and a thank you letter (another one!). What I will never forget thou, and impressed me to the deepest of my heart, was the hostess of this event. Herself a cancer survivor, she had this immense modesty, joy, and sincere gratitude, when she was looking to us, the ones who came to answer this humanitarian call!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Ne plac lumanarile! - We like candles!
Ne plac lumanarile! Lumina lor calda, umbrele lungi si subtiri pe care le arunca pe pereti, atmosfera de "la mine acasa" pe care stiu asa de bine sa o creeze! Avem un semineu fals, si pentru ca nu putem sa facem focul intr-un semineu fals, l-am impodobit cu flacari timide de lumanari. Las pozele sa va spuna mai multe...;)!
We like candles! Their warm light, the long, narrow shadows they cast on the walls, the "at home" atmosphere they know so good how to create! We have a false fireplace, and because we cannot make fire in a false fireplace, we adorned it with the shy flames of the candles. I let the photos tell you more...;)!
We like candles! Their warm light, the long, narrow shadows they cast on the walls, the "at home" atmosphere they know so good how to create! We have a false fireplace, and because we cannot make fire in a false fireplace, we adorned it with the shy flames of the candles. I let the photos tell you more...;)!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Teama parinteasca - Fear of a parent
Citeam deunazi pe o pagina de stiri, despre o noua gaselnita a adolescentilor de a-si introduce alcool in corp, pe o cale mai rapida decat cea clasica si fara ca respiratia sa ii tradeze. Isi introduc in vagin sau anus,tampoane (destinate in mod normal menstruatiei) imbibate in vodca sau alte bauturi foarte spirtoase. Metoda, initiata in America, este deja foarte populara si in Europa. Ah Doamne, daca acesti copii ar da dovada de tot atata imaginatie in a gasi solutii sa-si repare viata, in loc sa si-o strice...Ma intreb, cu inima cat un purice cum se descurca parintii intr-o asemenea situatie? Ce faci, ca parinte, cand toate metodele de a-ti face copilul sa realizeze ca a apucat-o pe un drum gresit, au dat gres, si nu vrei sa te resemnezi, nu poti sa renunti?
Recently, I've read on a news site, about a new method teenagers found to introduce alcohol in their bodies, in a faster way than the classical one, and without having an "alcohol breath". They introduce menstruation tampons soaked in vodka,or other strong drinks, in the vagina, or anus.The method, started in USA, is already very popular in Europa also.Oh God, if these children could use the same rich imagination in order to find solutions to fix their lives instead of spoiling it...I wonder, with fear in my heart, how the parents in such situations deal with this problem?What you do, as a parent, when all the methods to make your child see that he is on a wrong road, fail, and you don't want to resign, and cannot just give up!
Recently, I've read on a news site, about a new method teenagers found to introduce alcohol in their bodies, in a faster way than the classical one, and without having an "alcohol breath". They introduce menstruation tampons soaked in vodka,or other strong drinks, in the vagina, or anus.The method, started in USA, is already very popular in Europa also.Oh God, if these children could use the same rich imagination in order to find solutions to fix their lives instead of spoiling it...I wonder, with fear in my heart, how the parents in such situations deal with this problem?What you do, as a parent, when all the methods to make your child see that he is on a wrong road, fail, and you don't want to resign, and cannot just give up!
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