M-am gandit sa lansez o mica provocare amuzanta! Am sa postez o poza facuta la intamplare unor persoane pe care nu le cunosc (si spre rusinea mea nici nu le-am cerut permisiunea de a-i fotografia; dar scopul "nobil" scuza mijloacele marsave.Haha), iar voi puteti croi o mica poveste pe fundalul pozei. Cine credeti ca sunt cei doi din poza (puteti sa le dati si nume daca vreti), ce relatie este intre ei, cu ce se ocupa in viata de zi cu zi...Nu trebuie sa urmariti sa fiti "exacti" (nici nu aveti cum, caci nu cunosc persoanele si nu pot verifica veridicitatea afirmatiilor voastre). Trebuie sa fiti cat mai fantezisti, amuzanti, sa va lasati imaginatia sa zburde salbatic pe cararile aberatiilor, sau ma rog, orice va face sa zambiti, sau credeti ca ne-ar face pe noi sa zambim! Bafta!
I thought it would be nice to come with a funny challenge! I am gonna post here a picture that I took by default to some people I don't know (and to my shame and blame, I didn't ask permission from to take their photo; but the "noble" goal will excuse the tricky means.Haha), and you are invited to build a little story on the background of the photo. You should say who you think those people are (even name them if you like), what kind of relationship you think there is between the two, what their occupation is in the daily life...You should not try to be exact in your appreciations (you couldn't anyway, as I don't know the people and I can't check the truth of your statements) . You should try to be fanciful, funny, let your imagination run wild on the path of abberation, or whatever makes you smile, or you think might make us smile!Good luck!
I thought it would be nice to come with a funny challenge! I am gonna post here a picture that I took by default to some people I don't know (and to my shame and blame, I didn't ask permission from to take their photo; but the "noble" goal will excuse the tricky means.Haha), and you are invited to build a little story on the background of the photo. You should say who you think those people are (even name them if you like), what kind of relationship you think there is between the two, what their occupation is in the daily life...You should not try to be exact in your appreciations (you couldn't anyway, as I don't know the people and I can't check the truth of your statements) . You should try to be fanciful, funny, let your imagination run wild on the path of abberation, or whatever makes you smile, or you think might make us smile!Good luck!
Ora 2pm. Herbert si Norine (jur pe rosu ca nu'sh ce-mi veni cu numele astea), colegi de birou, la magazin ca cumpere cadou colegului ce se pensioneaza. Sunt contabili, lucreaza in birouri diferite si au avut o zi nasoala. Au doar cifre-n cap si vor acasa la caldurica. E frig. Se urasc. El crede despre ea ca e o increzuta si-o tocilara, ea- ca el este cam lenes si are-n cap doar jocuri si masini. Fiecare asteapta sa vorbeasca celalalt fiindca n-au chef deloc de taclale. Ea-si sufla nasul pt a sparge monotonia si scoate un servetel (sau e-i ala?!). In gandul lor:
N: Ce m-o fi trimis sefa cu pustanul asta la magazin?!
H: N-am schimbat cu ea 5 vorbe toata ziua si acum tre' sa vedem ce cadou luam... oare o vrea Dan diseara sa facem un joc in retea?
N: Ce sa-i zic eu lu' asta, mai bine veneam singura
H: Cred ca-l sun pe Dan, mai scap asa si de N putin
N: Ce ma enerveaza asta.. nu zice nimic
H: oare N o fi virgina?!
N: cred ca pisulica mea abia asteapta sa vin acasa
H: cred ca N prefera mai degraba sa doarma cu pisica, o sa se marite la 40 de ani
N: am ajuns la magazin ura!
H: am ajuns la magazin ura!
SUPER!!!Bravo!! Am ras cu multa pofta! Foarte inspirata povestioara ta ;))
Eu la sfarsit am vazut ca tre' sa fie si amuzanta..:-) La cat chef am acum de ras ma mir c-am scris si-atat... Astept povestioarele care urmeaza :-)
doi frati care se duc spre statia de autobuz,sunt plictisiti de viata si ea tocmai si-a cumparat cafea
Buna Savage! Foarte buna incercare, dar ai putea sa dezvolti putin...Hai, ca la tine pe blog ai ceva logoree..!! Imi place. Imi place blogul tau, am citit putin, si imi voi face timp sa citesc mai mult! te mai astept pe aici. O seara buna!
He parked his car inside the shop. Now they have a ticket from the supermarket police. She's not happy. It was just for a minute but she doesn't care about that. He's so sorry and is thinkung what he can do to make it up. He bought her bananas but he's not sure if this will work. She saw the bananas and was thinking that he would better buy her a banana tree.
It's nice copper...keep up the good work! I could use a banana tree also...or a banana plant-tree? you know I love it!
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