Tocmai am vazut din nou (pentru a cata oara?) filmul "Dangerous minds". Un film vechi, dar extrem de bogat in semnificatii, un film care ma inspira de fiecare data cand il vad, care ma rascoleste pana la lacrimi cu aproape fiecare secventa, fiecare replica. Sunt convinsa ca multi dintre voi stiu despre ce vorbesc, iar daca n-ati vazut inca filmul, faceti in asa fel si nu-l scapati!Nu am sa fac un rezumat al filmului, nici nu am sa incerc sa-l disec. Am sa ma opresc numai asupra unui singur aspect, si a ceea ce am simtit eu. Este uimitor, zdrobitor de inaltator, ceea ce cateodata un singur om poate sa faca! Cum un singur om poate tine in mana sa destinele multor altor oameni, si alege sa faca bine! Sa iubeasca, sa daruiasca, sa se daruiasca, sa-i pese, sa se sacrifice, sa lupte, sa dea speranta, sa imparta forta, sa ierte, sa inteleaga, sa lumineze, sa calauzeasca, sa deschida, sa dezpovareze, sa sprijine, sa ajute, sa fie! Acolo! La locul potrivit! In momentul potrivit! Si cand vorbesc de omul ce tine destine in mana, nu ma refer la politician, pentru ca politicianul arareori va alege sa faca bine. Ma refer la profesor. Acela al carui salariu este cam 5% din salariul politicianului, si asta intr-un caz fericit! Sau la simplul om care crede! Crede in puterea lui de a schimba lumea, de a construi una mai buna. Si zau ca atunci cand crezi, esti cel mai puternic om din lume! Si lucrurile incep sa prinda contur si sa se intample! Acum, nu stiu, fie nu am destula credinta, ori putere, dar mi se pare ca nu pot sa schimb lumea. Si atunci plang pentru ea, si ma uit la altii care pot si fac!
I just watched again (for how many times?) the movie called "Dangerous minds". An older movie, but extremely rich in meanings, a movie that inspires me every time I see it, and touches me deeply with each line, with each scene. I am sure that most of you know what I am talking about, but if you haven't seen the movie yet, don't miss it! I am not gonna tell what the movie is about, I am just gonna stop to only one aspect of it, and to the way I felt about it. It is amazing, crushingly big, what sometimes, one man can do! How one man can hold in his hand the destiny of many others, and he chooses to do good!To love, to give, to give himslef,to care, to fight, to sacrifice himself, to give hope, to share strength, to forgive, to understand, to enlighten, to guide, to open, to relieve, to support, to help, to be! There! In the right place, at the right moment! And when I talk about the man who holds destinies in his hand, I don't talk about the politician, as a politician rarely will choose to do good. I talk about the teacher. The teacher whose salary is about 5% of the politician's salary, and this in a happy case. Or, I talk about the simple man who believes! He believes in his power to change the world, to build a better one! And, when you believe, you are the strongest man in the world! and things start to have a clear shape, and to happen! Now, I don't know, but either I don't have enough faith, or not enough force, but it seems I can't change the world. And then, I cry for the world, and look to others who can and do!
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