And because I have to walk a lot, and bike a lot...I do that! And while I do that, I take some pictures also.Once I posted a photo of a nice church from Lille. Joker said he liked it, so I promised I would post another photo, of a little church close to my house. I do this now! Also some pictures of some gardens that look springy! The pictures were taken 3 days ago, and meanwhile there is more vegetation, but I am afraid to take more pictures, people might think I am a thief making his I don't want to have to run with a flying broom behind my back!The forest that you see (or the picture with the trees), it is not actually a forest:there is this path that you can talk while walking on a normal street. That means, you are on the street, and then, at the right/left of you, there is this path for pedestrians and bikes that takes you directly in the middle of nature. It is somehow perpendicular on many streets, it is many kilometers long, and it amazes me how they could keep this part of nature in the middle of the village!!
Hey thanx a lot.The pictures are beautiful.
They could, because they really love nature not just pretending
yeap, there is a part of nature that they probably want to build on, and people made a huge banner with :keep your hands off from this nature part! and they hung it on a long fence
Multumim pt primavara! Ce curatenie... mie asta-mi place. Misto cu banneru' :-)
te invidez pentru mediul in care traiesti
stii ce merge la peisajele astea?
o cana de ceai indian ;)
@un om
sa stii ca ia de ce! eu nu ma satur niciodata :)
@miss sunset
mmm, ceai...!!!
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