Today is the first day of the rest of my life! I know I am not much of a diplomat, and that I don't like to go around the bushes, so...I am just gonna say it: I am not so happy to announce that lately I had some health problems, caused by the huge, enormous number of kilograms that I accumulated during and after my pregnancy, and because I quit smoking. And we are talking 40 kg! If before (when the number was not so high), I was talking discomfort, and a bad aspect, now I talk real threats and real effects that show their ugly face. The process can be reversed if I start a new life today! So, these are the conclusions that were discussed yesterday to the doctor. I still wait for the result of some tests, and hope nothing is so bad. Anyway, for a long time starting today, I will start a battle with everything that meant my daily habits, and build for myself a new life, a new me! It is not gonna be easy, as after I reach the result I want, I must be that kind of person who never lets this happen again! Even if I never met you, even if we meet just in the "air" and we share a virtual reality with roots in our real life, I feel that you care, and this is incredible! Thank you for all your support, I am gonna need it all! Every good thought, any positive word is more than welcome!
Georgi, I;'m here for you and - more than that - I hope I'll be with you too! We're not the slaves of the habbits, we're their masters and we must change them, that's much easier than changing your home, and you know it so well. I know everybody could support such a nice initiative, but not so many can understand. Well, I think I do and i do want us to meet someday on a beach and not be embarassed wearing a tiny tanga.
Well good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
let's make a goal, and a deal out of this!! ;)
de la 1 ianuarie 2009 m-am lasat de fumat. Urmatorul pas a fost sa ma apuc de sport..ceea ce-ti recomand si tie, daca sanatatea-ti permite.
ah, cu atatea kg in plus risc sa-miparadesc geninchii si spatele, dar miscare in apa pot sa fac, bicicleta si mers pe jos! Ceea ce fac in fiecare zi: adica mers pe jos, cam in jur de 3-4 km, cateodata mai mult! Si imagineaza-ti ca eram un freak of aerobic: mergeam 5 zile pe saptamana la sala, cam 2 ore pe zi!Iar acum abea imi leg sireturile la pantofi, fara exagerare!
@ Georgi
Chiar te inteleg..adica si eu am in jur de 20 kg in plus si stiu ce insemna efortul pentru articulatii. Ce sa zic dieta si sport(ala pe care-l poti face) asta e reteta
Azi am mers pe jos deja 8 1/2 km! Dar sunt franta! :)Macar am facut poze! A,da, si mai imping si carutul, care nu e chiar piece of cake!
Ffff bine dar ti-as recomanda un prgram facut de un nene specialist ca si efortul trebuie facut inanumite doze.Nici sa pici nu e bine.Eu in seara asta ies la alergat si ploua:(
ma duc maine la nutritionist :)
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