A funny story about meeting the folks...Sorry, I don't have, both Pascal's parents are not here any more...And about him meeting mine, it was not funny but full of tears. I hadn't seen my parents three years before the moment I arrived in Bucharest with Pascal and Luca (who was 4 months old). I just remember we were the last to come out from the luggage section of the airport as Luca's buggy was the last to come and my father was desperate and entered that section without being allowed, he grabbed the child and kissed him hard, then both of us. My mother was waiting for us in my apartment. She was crying heavily when she saw us, and said: I cannot believe that you left "one" and you come back "three"! All other meetings with relatives were also with tears...
Haha asa deci, 3 in 1 in 3 anisori... of nici nu vreau sa ma pun in locul alor tai, cred c-a fost intr-adevar emotia vietii lor. Ma duc sa raspund, sar'na!!!
Hmm..i think i was kind of uninspired, with this.
nu,nu, e ok! fiecare are experiente de viata diferite! nu-ti face griji!
hai raspunde ca abea astept! ;)
Georgi in prima faza ma speriasi cu poza cea noua, mi-ai amintit cum ma uitam odata la filmulete cu disectii, semana cu o mana de mort, are si vinisoarele de rigoare :P. Scuze, stiu ca e frumoasa planta, dar asa mi-a sugerat .
haha...m-am gandit eu ca o sa aiba lumea un soc cand o sa o vada...si nu esti ptrea departe de adevar! Este o planta carnivora, deci vezi cum a facut natura asta ca designul sau sa-i sugereze menirea!
Aha, deci pana si-n natura avem sansa avertismentelor. Sau poate c-a fost menita sa atraga astfel mustele dornice de devorare de mortaciuni... auzi ce-am ajuns sa vorbim noi.
Georgi mama, eu stiu ca tre' sa stam mult afara ca sa ardem cate ceva, da' esti bine? :-)
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