I was born and raised in Romania where everything is colorful: the interieurs, the language, the temper, the ideas, the humour, the nature! Not Africa style colourful, but flasy enough! In the apartment I lived with my parents it was a whole collection of colours in a million little objects, some useful some "decorative". In our living room red was fighting with black and mosterd-yellow, there was some blue also here and there, then white and natural shades, and...ah, I should not forget some more red!! Bathroom was blue, white and very crowded. In the kitchen you could find red, blue, a little pink, white, beige. My bedroom was mostly turquoise, white, brown, beige, but also a little red, and green. It is not that you could find all these colours on the walls or in the furniture, but the apartments were (are!) so small, and people have so many small, big,medium objects on a square meter, each with its own colour(s), that the vertigo of this Babylonian "decorative creation" MUST affect your brain at some level, in some bad way! Yet, nobody seemed to mind! We were so used with this "style", that in the moment I started to live here, the interiors I visited seemed boring and without personality to me! A lot of natural/neutral colours, a lot of white, and also some strong colours. But the strong colours were not "fighting" with anybody, the way I used to see around me! I learnt to refine my taste, and even though I still love colours, the way I combine them is totally different now. I learned to recognize and appreciate harmony and to rest my eyes when I look around me! Hey West, meet East!
D-aia interioarele japoneze sunt atat de pline de bun gust si atat de linistitoare. Sunt simple, nu regasim aranjamete haotice si redundante.
exact!! te odihnesti altfel intr-un asa interior! plus ca ai maoi mult aer, spatiu...
Aoleu ai punctat o mare obsesie de-a mea, cred ca din cauza aglomeratiei in care am crescut vreau acum doar minimalism, altceva nimic. Peretii erau albi mereu, acum i-am facut portocalii, iar in dormitor troneaza un castel cu incoronatii aferenti si alte animalute copilaresti pe pereti; doi copii pe atat de putini mp fac aproape imposibil de pastrat ordinea, iar eu am devenit nebuna adepta a spatiilor de depozitare cat mai mascate. Totul se reflecta evident in modul de gandire si sper sa ajungem curand sa fim senini si calmi in ciuda ingustimii din jur...
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