Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I hate...!!

No, I didn't wake upon the wrong side of the bed; I have this post in mind for a while now. I am gonna mention only a couple of the things that I hate, or that bother me lately, but the list stays open.
Well, in the several months of blogging and enough blogs that I read, I've noticed a...shall I call it "trend", "wave", "mania"...Maybe trend...So, I have noticed a trend, a psychosis that troubles the minds of the Romanians mostly. Actually, with some rare "Americans" exceptions, I would say that this a feature of Romanians only. And I will (finally!:)) tell you what is about: I read recently a blog (not that I don't want to name it, but I really forgot who has it), where Elena Udrea was coursed like "at the front door of the tent"! She was called names, it was made a whole fuss about her origins, about how she still is a peasant in spite of all the money her husband has, etc. Well, nothing so fantastic till now, everybody knows that Romanians are very political, but what I didn't understand was that this post got 609 reactions!!! 609!!! From people who all didn't like the person in question, and they were going crazy and fanatical approving the ideas of the author, and coursing even more hysterical this Elena woman! Well, I don't know her personally, and I can't say that she has some qualities which would deny the statements of the blog guy, but...SO WHAT?? If you don't like who is leading that country, change them, or go live somewhere else!Somebody please tell me WHY would you make foam around your mouth, mentally masturbating yourself on a stupid blog, maybe even risking a heart attack (by the aggressive way they were talking there) show what? To solve what? With what is your life better if you do that? You feel that you actually did something important, or...just something? Can somebody really feel they did something by doing this stupid gesture? Or have the Romanians become so maniac-depressive that they actually need this "loud" , "foam around mouth" form of catharsis to be able to make it through the day?I would say: People!!! Wake up!!! Make your life beautiful, stay connected to reality, surround yourself with beautiful, simple things that can help you keep your balance, and if there is something that you really don't like in your life, take action! I know what it means to live in world of chaos. I begun my journey by being a superficial person who enjoyed the very simple things in life (like we all do at a certain moment of our lives, especially when we are very young), I evolved into someone who cared a lot, and involved into all I could do or change around me, with a dash of sofistication this time, complicating my personality a bit. I bumped my head against all kind of walls, I got a bitter taste from life, and I thought I reached the pick, by being a cinical, ironical, sofisticated, complicated person! And then, my journey took me back to the simple things of life, where the true happiness and harmony are to be found! What is difference between the simple me now, and me who was 16 and simple, is the experience! The experience that made me grow other eyes to look at life with. No, I don't have the key, I didn't find the answer for everything, and I am not in Zen, but my life is a millimeter calmer that those people lives, hearts and mind, and this is worthy every cent! And it is so, because I made it so! So, in one sentence, I hate political blogs, or posts, where everybody makes a lot of fuss about "X" or "Y" but nobody does anything in reality, and they don't even realize how childish and degrading is for themselves to "bark while the caravan passes"! There are, though, exceptions! I know one blog where political posts are actually having a goal, they are aiming somewhere, and the author at least tries to move something! This I appreciate a lot, because by the way he writes his posts, he tries to change mentalities, and this is very important!
And second...(I will make it short, I promise), I hate vulgar blogs!!!! Man, what I could read on some blogs....!!! Far from being a prude, it scared me! And what is very sad, is that there were people who could actually say something if they wanted, because they were far of being stupid! Why would someone do this? Why, instead of trying to be refined, having some high class humour, etc...they would choose to be so incredibly vulgar? They were not even very young to be able to hide behind juvenile hormonal justifying. Because, let's be serious, once you are over 25 let's say, sex, penis, and other ideas like that are not something to be so obsessed about (like it is normal to be as a teenager, where it is more curiosity than obsession), or to show with your finger and laugh behind your hand! But for those guys... a vibrator, a blow job, a trio or I don't know what , they were like....."wow...look what I have done!! I am the man!!! The coolest, just look at me!! "Phew...such infantile behaviour makes me sick! So, again in one sentence: I hate vulgar blogs!! I know you will say that it is their blog, their space and they can do whatever, don't understand why someone would insist for the whole world to see how stupid they are!!
The list stays open...


Anonymous said...

Ai mare dreptate dar cred ca-ti scapa ceva..sau probabil ai uitat ca Romanica e tara unde se sparg seminte si se vad meciuri de fotbal, e tara unde se sparg seminte si se "face" politica la scara blocului si e tara unde fiecare e expert in toate.
Si totul e incununat de o mare place sa ne sa spunem cat de bolnavi am fost noi cand eram mici

Georgi said...

hmmm...dar ceea ce este asa de trist, este ca tipii de care vorbesc eu au ceva in cap, deci te-ai astepta de la ei la altceva!Iar aia vulgari ce justificari au?

good girls go to heaven bad girls go everywhere said...

Buna seara!
E trist dar adevarat. Cei care au ceva intre urechi ajung la un moment dat sa bata campii in mod festiv, iar vulgaritatea nu are nicio justificare.

Si acum un pic off topic.
Am lipsit o vreme si incerc sa recuperez, sa vad ce ati mai facut fara mine, daca v-ati jucat frumos in lipsa mea.
Am citit la Dili si am vazut ce fac fetele mele, am gasit reteta de cozonac, iar ciocolata aceea e incredibila!
Altfel, bine? Noutati pe care nu le-am aflat de pe blog? Mi-ai lipsit.
Sper sa am si eu mai mult timp si mai putine probleme de rezolvat, astfel incat sa nu mai lipsesc nemotivat. :)

Georgi said...

ma bucur mult ca ai revenit. recunosc (din nou!) ca m-am gandit la tine si ca imi lipseste un mail de la tine in care sa-mi spui mai multe despre ce ai mai facut.De cele mai multe ori, ma gandesc ca ai probleme si "cauti solutii" asa cum spui de multe ori. Cu noi, noutatile sunt ceea ce ai vazut pe blog, in rest alergatura pe probleme administrative :). dar la sfarsitul lunii este ziua mea de nastere si vom pleca intr-o mini vacanta de 5 zile. Nu stiu unde, e surpriza, Pascal a aranjat totul!Azi am cumparat mult doritul liliac alb si l-am plantat in gradina (moment foarte important pt mine :))Tu ar trebui sa fi foarte fericita, se apropie vara si nunta, nu-i asa?Pupici

Stelian Muscalu said...

noi romanii ne pricepem la toate. asta sa fie clar din start. insa la politica suntem cei mai buni. tocmai asta este motivul din cauza caruia lucrurile merg asa cum merg. nu trebuie sa te mai miri. la noi, din pacate, asta este normalitatea. ajungem, incet dar sigur, sa devenim un popor de frustrati. iar frustrarile se vad cel mai bine in comentariile de pe diferitele bloguri

Dili said...

Georgi eu zic ca astfel de bloguri vor exista mereu, iar maturizarea a 50% din romani sa zicem se produce undeva spre varsta de mijloc, iar a celorlalti niciodata. Eu insami cad in capcana asta de multe ori, dar macar incerc sa-mi tin vulgaritatea in frau. Libertatea asta de a injura e speculata la maxim.
Ideea principala la romani e ca prostia expusa e considerata sclipire de geniu atata timp cat are adepti, si are. Plansul de mila e la moda, iar carcoteala e sport national, doar e mai simplu decat sa faci ceva. Toata vara am avut-o pe Udrea in parc, oameni care ii zambeau in fata si ii cerseau pomana o barfeau apoi pe cate-o banca. Trist.
Suntem inca amaratii aceia carora politicenii le arunca un colt de paine si le ofera circ pt a-i lasa sa-si vada linistiti de treaba.
Mai sunt si unii, cum ziceai, care doar se uimesc la prostia unora, si asta se face in alt mod. De acord ca e energie consumata, dar suntem sagetati cu ace de prostie si reactionam. Cheia fericirii e indiferenta poate, insa pana o deprindem zic ca mai e drum lung :P
Trist e ca ne dorim schimbare, dar nu scoatem capul din gaoace, ci tot "ei" o fac. Sanatosi sa fim cica...

Georgi said...

1.Indiferenta nu este cheia!4ve been there, done that! Indiferenta, cand nu esti de fapt indiferent, doare extrem de tare!
2.Tu vulgara?!! Crede-ma esti un heruvim fata de ceea ce am citit pe unele bloguri!!Nu sunt conservatoare, urasc si cealalta extrema a vulgaritatii, imi place calea normala, de a mai trage o injuratura din cand, dar sa tavalesti totul prin noroi, sa nu ai nici un fel de valoare la care sa te inchini, asta nu inteleg!!!
3. Din cate vad din raspunsul tau, sunt muti oameni care realizeaza ca ce si de ce nu merg anumite ce se complac atunci? De ce nu-si schimba mentalitatea ca sa-si schimbe viata? De ce nu se trezesc intr-o buna dimineata sa-si spuna:stai putin bai nene, ASTA este viata mea pe care o traiesc, nu a lui Gheorghe de la gaze! Si vreau sa fac ceva ca nu-mi place cum merge treaba!Ca daca nu fac eu pt viata mea, nu o sa vina Gheorghe sa faca, ca poate el face pt viata lui, si asa e normal sa fie! Asa ca hai sa nu mai astept pomana, si sa ma apuc de treaba!

exact, un popor de frustrati, dar trebuie sa invingem frustrarile si sa facem ceva! Sper ca ai realizat ca la capitolul exceptii m-am referit la blogul tau! Este singurul blog cu tente politice pe care-l citesc, si-mi place!Pt ca tinteste undeva, incearca sa schimbe ceva, lasa sa se vada si latura ta umana, este scris cu umor si are parerei profesionale bune!Cum ar spune Ali G: "Respect"!:)

Coana Zoitzica said...

scopul blogului difera de la o persoana la alta si cred ca frustrarile apar atunci cand nu le poti exprima. toti suntem frustrati, toti suntem complexati, doar ca unii dintre noi se exprima sau nu.
pe bloguri, principiul e acelasi ca la tv sau radio, nu-ti place... nu mai citi, privi, asculta.
nivelul educatiei nu este un barometru bun pentru gradul de injuraturi pe secunda; tocmai ca cei educati nu pot sa se descarce zilnic pe cei din jur, refuleaza pe blog sau forumuri.

Georgi said...

bineinteles ca nu am "mai dat" pe blogul respectiv! Corect! Nu-mi place nu citesc! L-am citit doar pt ca vroiam sa-mi formez o parere si pt ca m-a fascinat si ingrozit fenomenul in sine. Pt ce spui tu despre refulari si frustrari, raman la parerea mea: e labareala! Lamentarile isi au rostul lor, dar nu la infinit!Daca nu-ti place ce ti se intampla, treci la actiune, nu-ti face blog ca sa incarci serverul cu tampenii si sa ai unde sa refulezi, rog, toata gama de "supape":abuz de sex, alcool, tigari, bani cheltuiti aiurea, abuz verbal, spargerea de oale in capul nevestei/copiilor/vecinilor etc!! Este atat de "neproductiv"!!

Coana Zoitzica said...

daca am face numai lucrurile "productive", probabil am muri de plictiseala. glumesc, desigur.
partea cu trecutul al actiune este usor de spus, dar greu de realizat. ce poti face impotriva unui guvern prost (nu vorbesc doar de Romania), sa iei pistolul si sa-i impusti? ca simplu cetatean ce poti face?

Georgi said...

s-au mai vazut cazuri cand s-a intrat cu kalashnicovul in parlament :)) Cat despre lamentari, daca o faci doar de plictiseala si variatiune, e ok, dar daca faci spume la gura cum se facea pe blogul respectiv, inseamana ca actiunea se impune, ca esti cu cutitul la os, deci ce mai astepti??!!

Coana Zoitzica said...

nu cred ca instigarea la violenta este cea mai buna solutie.
descarcarea, de preferat verbal si nu fizic, este o solutie buna.
exista bloguri unde sunt "trantite" clipuri de pe youtube, fara niciun comentariu, si atat.
este interesant sa postezi tot ce-ti trece prin minte, si peste ceva timp, sa privesti in urma si sa vezi daca ai evoluat sau involuat.

Georgi said...

asta asa este!! sper din toata inima ca cei 609 plus autorul vor evolua!

Georgi said...

apropos, cum a fost viena? mi-e dor...