People love the stories with underdogs! And when the story is also true, it becomes a hit!! This is the story of Susan Boyle, a rising star in England, a woman who was never kissed in her 47 years of life, who kept her innocence and purity, but not in a retardat way! I heard many beautiful voices, there are a lot of singers with incredible, exceptional voices, but I don't burst into tears by listening to them, like I did when I first heard Susan Boyle! I was thinking she must be an angel, but if she was one, she probably wouldn't be so ugly! Or maybe (the thought continued itself) our eyes cannot see the beauty of angels, therefore we must feel it!
Extraordinara voce.Ar fi interesant de urmarit ce se intampla cu ea.Daca i se va da sansa sa cante la un nivel nu spun mare, spun doar profesionist
la multi ani!
petrecere frumoasa.
I s-a dat! Este in concurs tipa,si de cateva saptamani tine prima pagina a ziarelor,chiar si aici!Englezii sunt foarte mandrii ca au asa un talent si o apreciaza enorm!
multumesc pt urari!
Senzationala voce!
Am privit-o neincrezatoare pana a inceput sa cante. Uimitor!
Sper sa se bucure de aceeasi sansa ca si Busuiocul nostru si sa semneze un contract serios.
da poate ca este un Busuioc in varianta feminina... oricum remarcabila vocea
Are o voce puternica "fata"... macar daca arata ca un Busuioc cu par lung, era mai usor de digerat zic eu... dar vocea e superba intr-adevar!!!
Si..... bine v-am regasit!!!!!!
Bine ai veniiiiiiiiiiit!!!
Bine sa fieeee!!!!! Deja ma simt mai bineeeee! Ce bineeee! :D
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