Sunday, March 8, 2009

8th of March

Today my love works! And because he couldn't be at home to prepare my breakfast as usually, and because today is the woman's day, and because he loves me 8.30 I heard someone ringing at the door. I didn't want to answer, I was just up, me and Luca, and we were still upstairs brushing the boy's teeth. The ringing was very insistent, so I decided to go down and see what was the big fuss about. A young guy gives me a nice basket filled with breakfast stuff! Mmmm...I enjoyed that! Thank you love! A happy day to all of you!


Dili said...

Heyyy Pascal never dissapoints me in making you happy! So nice!
May you all three be happy and loved, always! Hugsss!!!

Georgi said...

And you never dissapoint us, in the way you are! I hope all the happiness you wish for us comes to you also!hugs and kisses! Have a beautiful day!

Dili said...

Multumesc Georgi, eu chiar cred ca orice sentiment daruit e un frumos bumerang, sper doar sa avem mereu puterea de a zambi pentru cei din jur.

Georgi said...

Trebuie sa zambim pt orice merita un zambet.Depinde de noi daca ne facem viata mai frumoasa sau nu.In jurul nostru vor exista intotdeauna motive sa te acresti sau sa te inveselesti. Si da, sentimentele pozitive, ca si cele negative aduc dupa sine acelasi gen de energie din cate am observat eu.

Anonymous said...

Mai cu intarziere da' niciodat nu e prea tarziu. LA MULTI ANI de 8 Martie

Stelian Muscalu said...

asa surprize sa tot fie... e 9 dimineata si sincer imi este lene sa-mi pregatesc micul dejun... sotia mea este deja l amunca... asa ca astept si eu soneria :-))

Georgi said...

Nicio problema! la multi ani si scumpei doamne V. ;)
@un om
hahaha...da' ce...e ziua ta? :)

Coana Zoitzica said...

ce dragut. mai sunt barbati care reusesc sa surprinda...pacat ca sunt din ce in ce mai putini.