Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Good morning sunshine!!

Hello everyone!! We are fine, and we celebrated the catholic Easter ( a little too much...poohew!). and yesterday we had administrative day, meaning going to some banks for renewing some papers, insurances, canceling others...boring stuff like this! Otherwise, myself I have a terrible toothache (started 2 days ago), but I can see my dentist only Monday! Probably by tomorrow I will not be able to stand it anymore and go see another doctor, as the pain doesn't go away with anything! Otherwise, Luca and Pascal are ok, and we enjoy the beautiful weather here, and the first flowers that the strawberries plant have!! Yes, guys, envy us, we have strawberries plants (with flowers!!) and a tomato plant that also has flowers!! Hihihi!! No other news, we try to keep it low profile, stay more outside to lose the extras from the chocolate fondu (oh yes, it was greeeeaaaat!) and the bbq from the Easter! Now we are back to vegetables dishes, salads and fruits. Also good, but honestly, I am looking forward to the next bbq over two weeks when we have guests again! How do you prepare yourself for the Orthodox Easter? I really miss the crowd in the streets at midnight, the light of the million of candles, the people celebrating, eating Easter eggs, and feeling the spring night caressing my skin!!


Anonymous said...


Dili said...

Ouch, I knew you ate chocolate :D and i;m glad you;re all fine and spending so much time outside. Sun is up today here too and we're all trying to really shake the disease and go on living... we're preparing for going to my mom-ion-law for easter and I'm glad I'll breath some fresh air again... take much care and find a doctor sooner than Monday!!! Hugggs!

Georgi said...

hugs to all!! I missed you too, guys!

Coana Zoitzica said...

lasa-ma sa ghicesc ce faceti in w-e...sarbatoriti pastele pe stil romanesc? sa nu spui nu, ca nu mai ciocnim un ou si pentru tine.

Stelian Muscalu said...

oricum si aici incet dar sigur dispare traditia din lipsa timpului. la mine cel putin mai sunt parintii care se pregatesc mieii, drobul, ouale etc. am fost saptamana trecuta la Cluj unde mi-am facut antrenamentul pentru pastele ortodox sarbatorind cu sotia mea pastele catholic

Georgi said...

Da, sarbatorim pastele ortodox, dar mai mult spiritual decat cu tot felul de mancaruri. suntem la dieta, asa ca masa de Paste va fi ceva foarte simplu. Oricum nu mananc miel, dar oua vom ciocni cu siguranta.
@un om:
Ehehee, Paste fericit pt nevestica catolica si pt tine! Misto ca sarbatoriti de doua ori, ca noi ;)

Good girl said...

Imi era dor de voi! E drept ca nici eu n-am prea scris :(, dar macar v-am citit pe voi.
Vreau sa cred ca ai rezolvat problema cu dintii pana acum.
S-auzim de bine!