Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Party is over...Luca is sick...:(

I promised I am gonna write a post about the party, but because Luca is sick, and because we had a terrible night with him, I can't find that joy that I felt during that weekend and which I wanted o much to be able to transmit to you,too!:(
I am gonna tell thou that the kiss my son sent me when he was on the (plastic) horse, with the gesture of a toreador, warmed up my heart, and made other women exclaim (aaahhhh!!!) in extasy! It was an incredible moment for me! The attractions that you see in pictures are not from a park. In Belgium there is this custom, that the mobile fair comes to Brugge once a year, in May, and they set around the town, in a special arranged place. They also go to other towns during the whole summer, and they are called "kermis". Here you find all kind of food characteristic to such events, and all kind of attractions in which I wouldn't go for all the money in the world, to be honest! As for the "surprise bread" filled with sandwiches that we served, it is also something characteristic here, you can order it to the bakery, and they are delicious! There are all kind of types of bread, filled up with all kind of yummy stuff (ham, cheese, tuna salad, meat salad, crab salad, chicken with curry, etc). The rest of the photos talk for themselves, I guess. Hope to have good news soon!


Dili said...

hey i was about to shut down the pc, and also don;t wanna suffocate you ewith my messages haha, I just hope Luca will be better in the shortest time and he'll be able to exercise more and more ways to send you kisses :-) I bet you was the proudest mom on earth at that moment hehehehe...
Great things with that kermis and with the bread! Nice to see people are behaving normally somewhere on this planet :P

Georgi said...

Hey Dili, you can never send me too many messages! I really love receiving (any!) words from you!No, not proud in those moments, but full of love! my heart filled up with so much love, and such a different kind of love from what I ever felt before, that it was spiling over! You know what I mean!
Kisses to our dearest Romanian bears! All of them, big and small!!:)

Anonymous said...

Imi pare rau. Sper ca juniorul sa se faca bine curand

Dili said...

Thanks georgi, I know that kind of love for sure, nothing can be sweeter than that! I hope Luca-s better...

Georgi said...

Hey guys!! din nefericire nu am vesti prea bune! temperatura a scazut, dar acum are o diaree teribila s probabil crampe, plus dureri in gat, plange intr-una!! ma gandesc cu groaza ca maine Pascal lucreaza toata ziua si ca sunt singura cu el, ca e tare dificil! parca nu a fost niciodata asa de dificil cand a mai fost bolnavior:(

Dili said...

Of dragul de mititel, hai ca luati voi vreun praf si trece si burtica... of si tocmai acum dupa ziua lui :-(. Ce medicamente v-au dat dr?
... stii cum imi ziceam eu cand erau bolnaviori ai mei, cea mare varsa cu febra mare si plangea iar cel mic urla ca vrea aia si aia - imi spuneam ca daca i-am putut naste sigur o sa rezist si la zielel alea groaznice, si chiar daca am plans cu ei - pana la urma nevoia iti da puteri inzecite. Asa ca sigur ingerasul lui va sti cum sa faca sa-i ia belelele chiar de maine si-ai sa vezi ca va fi bine!!! pupici dulci ursuletului!!!! Si muuulte imbratisari pt mami!

Georgi said...

Hei Dili draga! Multumim pt pupici si imbratisari, le trimitem inapoi inzecit!Tot nu suntem bine...:( Pt febra si dureri luam perdolan si junifen (un fel de nurofen pt copii), pt angina ne-a dat antibiotic, amixiclav (aia la care am facut eu alergie!!!) si ghici ce s-a intamplat!!!of course, a facut si Luca alergie!! Acum astept doctorul sa vina acasa sa vedem ce-i mai prescrie. Pt diaree ne-a dat niste sticlute cu un sirop, invarti de capacel intr-o directie si se varsa un praf in sticluta, agiti si apoi invarti capacelul in cealalta directie ca sa deschizi sticluta! Ma rog, ingineria asta ne-a costat 17 euro (ca am cumparat-o pe la 9 pm de la farmacie si e pret de noapte!!), si cica doar restabileste echilibru florei etc,etc, ca altfel nu e bine sa blochezi la un copil "iesitul"! Dar bietul Luca cand ne vede ca venim cu medicamente incepe sa planga ca nu stiu ce!! si azi mai vin si muncitorii sa faca masuratoarea finala la ferestre!!Si Pascal e la serviciu!!oooffff!!!

Dili said...

Sanatate muuulta mama drsaga si sa treaca si beleaua de alergie!!!!!!!!

Georgi said...

:))) hai ca am trecut aproape si de ziua asta! Luca doarme de la 12, acum e 3,doctorul trebe sa pice, aia cu ferestrele si-au facut treaba...merci de incurajari! Mai frate, ploua fapt toarna cu galeata, ma mai deprima si vremea asta naspa...dar hai ca-mi trece! Hai ca pot!:))

Good girl said...

Insanatosire grabnica celui mic!
Mai poti, mujer? Ai si tu grija de tine. Va pup!

Georgi said...

Mai POC! Glumesc! AM trecut cu bine de ziua de azi, Pascal e acasa :D (yupii, pappie, salvarea noastra!!), din fericire Luca nu are alergie, a facut doar o iritatie a pielii data de antibioticul pe care-l ia!