Monday, January 19, 2009

Forget about your first love!

There's a new one. Sociologists from Essex say we should forget about our first love! They say that the euphoria of a young, fresh love will blind us and throw an unrealistic view over a future long-term relationship. Therefore, if we want to give a chance to a real relationship, we must forget about our first love! They say, the less passion in our first relationship, the better for the next, as if there is too much excitement in the first, the next will be boring and will not fulfill our expectations. My big question mark is why the associate the lack of passion with a successful relationship? Is the lack of love the guaranty for a good, long lasting relationship? And if yes...are we making business or looking to spend our time with the person we love, who makes our adrenaline run wild, makes our blood pressure go uuuupp!! I would be curious to know your opinions. Would you prefer a calm, good relationship, but without passion and excitement, or you prefer a relationship with loud fights, but also with very passionate, hot moments?


Coana Zoitzica said...

if is no blood, there'll be no love. i'm kidding. i have the feeeling that those british scientists have too much time and no sexual life. really.

Georgi said...

da,da, bine spus! au ei batz in cur si nu stiu ce-i aia iubire cu sange fierbinte si latin!! eu ma cert si m-am certat de cand ma stiu cu toti iubitii mei! si ne iubeam, si ne certam, si ne iubem si ne certam!! imi sare mustarul usor, da cand iubesc, iubesc cu putere de 100 de focuri. Ce stiu ei...!

Anonymous said...

Can't it be calm, good and with passion too? :D

Georgi said...

Nu stiu, n-am incercat :)) Cred ca da, dar fiecare are felul sau de a trai, propriul ritm, intensitate. Pana la urma astea devin chestii de suprafata,adica felul in care traim iubirea este mai putin important decat faptul ca o traim, pur si simplu!! Ca am gasit-o si ne bucuram de ea in felul nostru propriu, chiar daca asta inseamna cate un scandal cateodata, cu farfurii sparte, si urmand a face dragoste pasional! (vorbesc la modul general, eu una nu sparg farfurii)

Sammi said...

I'd say we have a pretty calm but passionate relationship, Garry & I. Of course we argue occasionally, and when we argue we really go for it, but I wouldn't say it's anything out of the ordinary.

Dili said...

I don't have time foranything. The good part is that when we meet on the same frequency passion becomes beautiful madness and we love that.. Bad part: when we are together for a few minutes with problems in our heads, comunication isn;t our main skill and it can easily set up a fight.
Well, somebody said that when you love, you can find something new in your partner every day. And when there's smthg new, there's passion for another side of your lover, so it can never become boring.
I'll work on managing my time, and keep admiring those who can find passion even when floating on cloads. Love is the most important.