I must addmit that for a while now, I have been thinking a lot about becoming a vegetarian, as I think it's a barbarian cruelty to kill animals just to eat them (don't get me started about the idea of killing animals to wear them!!!). I will not show shocking pictures, or use violent word association to make at least somebody else wake up too, and change the way they live. I think it should come from the inside of each of us, from a mature mentality, that should be there, after more than 2000 years of evolution. How come that from the technological point of view the achievments mankind made are huge, but spiritually the man makes just little ant steps? So, like any smart thing to do and if you want to have real chances to succeed, I decided to prepare myself first, from all points of view, and among others, I was looking on the net about the pros and cons of becoming a vegetarian. I want first to make a little specification, and to inform you that I am talking about vegetarian type who excludes just the meat, not the dairy products and the eggs. So, at pros, I find things like: would help to decrease world hunger, vegeterians are less exposed to diabetis, heart attack, ostheoporosis etc., and to cons I find childish things like: some people would be embarrassed to invite you over for a meal, as you eat different than them! Don't you feel like laughing? Besides, I found out that the protein that comes from the animal meat is a "bad, harmful protein", comparing to other type of protein that comes from vegetables like soya, mushrooms, beans, which are a blessing for our bodies. So, if you follow a good, smart, complete vegetarian diet, your body will not suffer at all from lack of meat. For children and teenagers who are in the growing process meat helps, thou! Myself, I decided to clean my body gradually, starting with eating meat only 2-3 times a week. Any step is good, any abdication from meat is good, saves you (your conscience and your cholesterol), and also saves a life! Even if it's a pig life, it's still a life, and you a hero!! My request would be, for the readers of this post, please, just give it a thought!! Just see if this option would be possible for you! If would be good for you! Then look up information about the life of animals to be slaughtered, the act itself, and you will realize what we put into our body!! It's unworthy and shameful for the human being to continue on this path! And if it's helping even more, the statistics say that by 2100 half of the population will be starving! Ok, we won't be here to see this, but what about our children, the children of our children? What is our legacy that we pass on to them? Maybe it sounds like propaganda, but: the change starts with you! If you look inside of yourself, you will know it's true!
I eat vegetarian once a week. I also attempt to eat red meat only once a week, because too much can be harmful.
When I was younger I didn't used to eat a lot of meat at all, maybe twice a week but as I've got older my diet has changed and since changing and actually adding more meat, I've been more healthy, with less colds, flu's and headaches!
It is very admirable to watch someone make such a life changing step!! Some of the reasons not to be vegetarian are ridiculous though!
A good meal for vegetarian's, or at least one of my favourite's is Aloo Gobi. It is an Indian curry made with potato and cauliflower- you can make it as mild or spicy as you like :)
I understand you are healthier since you eat meat.
It's a lot of protein that you put in your bdy with a small qantity of "product",otherwise,as vegetarian,you must eat a lot of vegetables to have the same result.Being a vegetarian is an ethical thing,so the purposes is that less animals die.The way you do it is very good!I would like to do just the same (eat red meat o,ly once a week),and then I see for the next step if I can totally quit meat or not.unfortunatelly, I don't eat fish,so for me,it's not much choice left anyway.it's either red meat or vegetables.I don't know if poultry is red or white meat,cause that I eat.Thanks for your comment, it is very beautiful!
Well today I learnt the difference between red and white meat is more than their colour; things such as rabbit and chicken are white meat, but white meat also applies to 'baby' animals such as lamb and veal because they are fed on milk, I think... or at least that's how I understood what Wikipedia told me!
ah, well, then I guess that must be excluded also!
anyway I don't eat lamb, or rabbit, I actually eat only chicken,beef and pork. No things from the sea, no other poultry meat, etc. I just don't like it! So, I guess, it won't be so hard to start eliminate!
Incredible Georgi, we eat exactly the same kinds of meat...
Vegetarian I could teach my body to get used to, but I could never give up on milk, yoghurt or cheese :-)
yeah me neither! and I don't think the cow would b upset to give us her milk, but she would be upset to give us her cotelet ;)
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