Sunday, January 18, 2009

The most depressive Monday of the year

Well, bad news people! They say that tomorrow, 19th of January, it's the most depressive day of the year. The father of "blue Mondays", Cliff Arnall has a formula that shows that people are in the most depressive mood on the third Monday of January.They are after the weekend, broke because of the celebrations in December, weather sucks,vacation is far away and the most of the bills come in the third week of January. On the other hand, the most happy day of the year is Friday 19 of June. People have the weekend ahead, the weather is good, summer is close! is sooo far away!! First, we must make a big healthy leap over the "depressive Monday". So, I would say, everybody give me a high five and a "hip hip hurray happy Friday 19th of June!! "


Sammi said...

Oh no!
Well lets all look forward to Tuesday! A day to celebrate :D

Coana Zoitzica said...

you're right. can I change this day with friday??? please!!!

Georgi said...

Little miss...write us something nice to forget about depression...!!Pleaseee

Coana Zoitzica said...

i've got to work today. these stupid mondays. i think we should start a campaign to erase Monday form any known and unknown calendar.
do you agree?

Georgi said...

Great idea!!! write about it...maybe tuesday? ;)

Georgi said...

And how come you have to work? I thought they pay you just for bringing light to the place with your presence!! Hmmm....I think it's time for new rules!! Rule no: 1 - From now on, they pay you so that you can stay at home and write on the blog! You go on...

Coana Zoitzica said...

Actually, your rule is rule no 2 cause I think that rule no 1 is: -every day, my boss should thank me for existing and for making this office a better working place ;)
i wish...

Dili said...

Forget Mondays and guys like Cliff and think about the biggest icecream in the hottest summer day while you're the laziest woman on the warmest beach watching the most amazing blue water you've ever seen... in a world with no celulars where nobody knows you but your closest friend and lover which you hear moaning in front of the biggest icecream and so on...
Have a nice evening ladies!

Georgi said...

@ dili ooooohhh, myyyy Goooood!!! You really know how to make people waaaaatn thingsss!! I want!I want!I want!
@little miss
ok, whatever order you want, just to happen!