We got the caaaaar!!! After a negotiations to the death, we got the deal! They asked 22 000 euro, which was anyway a very good price for a new car like this one. Well, I negotiated up to 20 000! There, I got stuck!! Imagine I would have liked to get 18 000!! They didn't want to go under 20 000 for nothing in the world. But the Romanian in me...hehe...and after 3 years of being Project Manager at a casino in Bucharest, under Jewish management...I kind of know something about negotiations. I knew that I wouldn't get 18 000, since they explained to me, that this was a firm car, and that they have it in leasing, so they can't decide upon the price alone. But, I still wanted a bit under their price, even though we were dying to have the car. I was acting aloof...Pascal was red in his face a I was way too aloof!! He ran after Luca who was chasing the guy's cat, and then I "cut their macaroni" like we would say in Romania (le-am taiat macaroana), and I said: So...you cannot leave anything under 20 000...? They made big eyes and answered: Ma'am, this car costs new more than 33 000, and it has only 29 000km! It is one year old!!! Me, phlegmatically: yeah, but 20 000 euro is a lot of money...especially with this financial crisis...! Well...it's pity! We really liked the car... Then, I took my jacket simulating I was about to leave (if they hadn't stopped me, I would have called next day to say that I called the bank and I can give them 20 000). Pascal just entered the living room with Luca, and he saw the long faces and he felt the little tension in the air. What happened? he asked me. Well, mister cannot decrease the price, and we cannot pay what he asks, so... Silence, silence, Pascal takes his jacket also (we discussed at home how we would talk and what), then the lady stopped us (women always crack first!) . Wait, I am gonna call the leasing guy, to see if it's OK for 19 500 (the number that I said it is our last price)! So, she called, they agreed, we are happy! That simple! Ah, and the test drive....My Goooooooood!!!! It is quite a very good car (with blue tooth for the phone, the lights turn on automatic when it's getting dark, if it starts to rain the wipers start automatically,etc,etc;etc). Pictures soon!!
sa ma bati daca stiu cum se spune "s-o stapaniti sanatosi" :)))
pretul e mai mult decat ok, chiar si in criza ;)
S-o stapaniti sanatosi!
Multumesc muuutl!! acum trebuie sa negociez la sange si la banca!! Can am cumparat casa aici, tot la fel, am negociat ca o eroina!! am scos o super dobanda! Dobanda pe care o platesc pentru imprumut, era la momentul respectiv aproape tot atat cat dobanda pe care o primeam de la ei la contul de economii!! Intre timp cea de la economii a mai scaut putin. Cealalta a ramas la fel ca ma fost baieti destepti si am luat cu dobanda fixa ;) In rest, sa dea Dumnezeu la toti oamenii bunicare scriu la mine pe blog :) sa li se implineasca visele (si sa stiti ca eu am gura aurita!!, va previn:)) Acum nici 6-7 luni, cand vorbeam cu Pascal despre viitorul nostru, imi spunea ca el se vede deschizand usa unui jeep negru, Luca si eu coborand din el...si uite azi! Va jur ca pana duminica nici nu ne trecea prin cap sa schimbam masina!
Hai c-ai fost tare cu negocierea, dac-ai lucrat pentru evrei cred si eu :-).
Aoleu mi s-a facut pielea cde gaina cu implinitul viselor, merci de urare, deja am slabit 3 kile, mai zi ca are efect!!!
Dili,ma bucur enorm,enorm pt tine!!tine-o tot asa,primii pasi au fost mai grei,acum totul o sa mearga uns!!iti fac galerie:hai-de-dili!
S-o stapaniti sanatosi si fara evenimente !!
merci joker, sa dea Domnu!
Sar'naaa da' acum poftesc la biscuitii lui fiu-meu de mor.
Ce zice Luca de masinuta?
lui Luca i-a placut mult!! a comentat tot drumul cat a condus papi masina!
poti sa mananci bicuiti de la Daniel! e ok...citeste la miss sunset pe blog,am lasat acolo un comentariu despre numele copiilor si cum a fost pt mine!
Good readinng
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