Wednesday, March 4, 2009

L'ete indien

And because I remembered this immortal song, I remembered also a particular night of my life, the night when love was alive, the night when my love was...l'ete indien!I believe that certain moments are so intense, so charged with strong feelings, that they continue to linger on, even after we left that moment. And if we would be able to travel in time, we would find ourselves in the same spot, with our love, anger, or frustration intact. I believe, some feelings, make time stop deceiving and defeating laws of nature, and they continue to live on independent of our will. That night of end of August, kept us there, in Calais, where our beatific love and joy, created an unique space that we try to find and recreate every day! We succeed so, alas, moments are unrepeatable!
It was warm, like not many summer nights are here. I could smell the dust and the street. I was wearing a lot of white in that time, so I guess I was glowing in the night. Or maybe the fluorescent light came from my heart so much in love! The joy of being 5 cm away from the loved one, to see his sexy walk, to grab his arm, to put his hand on my face, to kiss his was like getting drunk very fast! was laughing loud and sharp, he was smiling letting me read love in his eyes! We went to the casino in Calais, and won! Almost 200 euro. We crossed over and had a very late dinner. The simple fact that we could have dinner at midnight with money won for a royal flush at the poker machines, was a reason to be jumping for joy. We drove home. On the road back, in the darkness of the roads, we were listening this song. I could feel love flowing through my veins, invading my brain. It must have overflowed, as I got blinded and dizzy with so much passion.I could feel its vibration in each and every little cell of my body. I was leaning on his shoulder, holding his arm. He was taking sharp curves to have me even closer.My cheek was touching his, my lips were kissing every piece of skin that was smelling Azzaro classic next to me. And all this time...l'ete indien! What I didn't know then, and I found out only after several days, was that...we were three in the car!


Dili said...

Mereu am vazut in melodia asta tineretea parintilor mei:-) Si mereu m-am intrebat daca rochia ei era alba asa cum cred eu...

Anonymous said...

Ffff frumoasa piesa...cred ca printre putinele cantate in franceza care-mi plac

Georgi said...

cred ca este o melodie nemuritoare...nici eu nu ma dau in vant dupa muzica frantuzeasca, dar cand scot cate una...O SCOT!! vezi Dili, parintii tai s-au iubit pe melodia asta, eu la fel...asta este ce va sa zica l'ete indien!

Dili said...

Gata stiu: e buna de bagat o leapsa: cica postati melodia/iile pe care v-ati iubit cu actualul/a. Cred ca toate-ar fi superbe.

Georgi said...

gata dili!baga!!

Dili said...

Iooo? ok, asa-mi trebuie :-)

Coana Zoitzica said...

deci tu esti vinovata de inca o leapsa ;-)

Stelian Muscalu said...

superba melodia... dar o rugaminte. incearca sa nu mai scrii cu verde pe galben ca mi-au iesit ochii ca la melc citind articolul asta :-))

Dili said...

Georgi, ati luat masina si acu' nu va mai dati jos de la volan? Sper ca sunteti sanatosi si innoiti! Pup!

Georgi said...

@un om
LOl, e lasa ca faci ochii expresivi...o sa ai ochi sxy datorita mie, asa ca nu te mai plange, citeste-mi blogul cat mai des...!!Haha
Si mie mi-e dor de voi, dar ieri am fost extrem de ocupati.Am fost la banca (nici nu mai e nevoie sa negociez, ma stiu aia ca pe un cal breaz, ca pana si pe director l-am invartit pe degete. Cand ma duc acolo sunt ca la mine pe tarla: "pai noi am vrea sa platim cam...atat pe luna, si cu o dobanda de cam atat...e posibil? E, stiu ca se face imprumut pe 5 sau pe 7 ani, dar eu vreau pe 6, ca asa ma avabntajeaza pe mine..." Si uite ca se poate! Apoi am alergat la asigurari ca astia de la banca oricat s-au agitat nu au putut sa ne faca o oferta ca a alora la care avem deja asigurare si care oferta este suuuuper!!si uite asa. Nu am luat inca masina pt ca nu pot merge oamenii la controlul tehnic mai devreme de luni, asa ca o sa fie ori luni, ori miercuri, ca marti pascal lucreaza! dar azi vine mesteacanul!!!!