Sunday, March 1, 2009

Good news!!

We might change the car, with this!! Oh, yes, it's black and cooool!!


Dili said...
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Dili said...

And its curves make me wonder if it was your or Pascal's decision! It's great!!! It looks so strong and eager to go explore the world and the woods and any kind of road that I can't wait to see a pic of you in it!!! Congrats!
PS: and the verification word is "widly", you know my obsession, so go drive wildly but carefully :-)

Georgi said... was really my decision! Look how it happened:yesterday after lunch we decided to take a ride so that Luca can have a good sleep. So, while we were driving, luckily not too far, our exhaustion pipe fell off!!! So, poor Pascal starts to go from door to door to ask for some tape to fix it till we get home. We didn't want to call the servixe, as it was Sunday, so probably very expansive. So, an old guy comes with some wire, tape, a piece of wood...Pascal fixed it...blabla! On the raod back home, I say to Pascal:look, this car is going on its 5th year, maybe we should change it. What cars would you like? So, we start talking about cars, he said a collegue of his has a nice black Toyota rav 4, I say I have no idea how it is looking like, and then we see a Toyota Rav4, black, standing in front of a house with a paper "for sale"!! We say:if this is not a, we go look at it,it is a one year old car, full option, it was a firm car, the person doesn't work there anymore, so they have to sell it.So, actually, Pascal said he likes it, but when I saw it, I said I love it and that I see ourselves driving it...Pascal would have chosen something less expansive...but me...with my tail and my horns...

Dili said...

WOWWW that was really a sign!!! Now there's no doubt you'll be driving it in less than a month I;d say... nice Women's day gift!!!!!

Georgi said...

I hope so, I hope so...pray for us...we have to make it happen financially also...

Anonymous said...

Nu sunt fan masini japoneze dar Toyota e un pic altceva. Nice car

Coana Zoitzica said...

nice. luca se va simti bine acolo cu siguranta. imi plac masinile negre, mi se par foarte elegante, desi masina mea are o culoare super, foarte, incredibil de rezistenta la jegul din bucuresti. nu am mai spalat-o de 3 luni :))

Georgi said...

ce culoare are masin ata? gri banuiesc...
nici eu nu sunt pt masinile japoneze pana cand Pascal mi-a spus ca dintre toate masinile pe care le-a schimbat,a avut de 2 ori Toyota si niciodata nu a avut nici un fel de probleme cu nici una dintre ele;

Coana Zoitzica said...

nu e gri dili, e un un bej ciudat, dar foarte rezistent la mizerie. am avut o masina inchisa la culoare ce trebuia spalata in fiecare zi aproape. cred ca in romania sunt cele mai multe spalatorii auto/m2 din europa.

Dili said...

Mai oameni buni e ceva paranormal aici, Miss i-a zis "dili" lui Georgi dar eu nu scrisesem nik, insa citisem raspunsul ei si GANDISEM sa intreb daca e gri ;-), dar am zis sa nu ma bag atata in seama, si iaca ce frumos mi-a raspuns hihihi/
Miss ai dreptate, spalatoriile astea sunt mana-n mana cu aia de blocheaza ecologizarea orasului, oricat ar avansa criza alea nu vor da prea repede faliment.

Coana Zoitzica said...

sorry, sunt la birou si ati vorbit de salata, deci se scuza incurcatura, plus ca in ultima vreme imi functioneaza intuitia la 99%

Georgi said...

hihi, nici o intelegem noi, mi prin telepatie, mai cum putem ;) deh, si noi ca paranormalele ce suntem!!