Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The sandtiger shark

They are a disappearing species, but the science "guys", people who really care about the legacy we leave to our children, fight with the impossible! They are going to create an artificial uterus where the "little" ones can grow. The problem with this species is that they are cannibals: even in the uterus, the strongest foetus eats the weaker ones, so that in the end, there are only two, three who come out. The scientists are optimist about the results of this attempt, even though it will take years until the sharks are not gonna be threaten with extermination. We wish them good luck and hope they can rescue as many as possible from the endangered species! I also heard they found hundreds of new species in the Pole's seas! Way to go!


Anonymous said...

Hmmm ..ciudata specie. Creata pentru autodistrugere.

Dili said...

Chiar au in gena canibalismul. Cand eram copil ma intrebam de ce trebuie salvate speciile periculoase, acum am inteles ca fiecare fiinta are rostul ei. Bafta domnilor cu uteru'!

Georgi said...

pt autodistrugere sau pt o perpetuare foarte sigura:doar cei extremi de puternici rezista,ce rost are ca cei slabi sa se nasca si sa consume hrana de pomana?

Anonymous said...


Ai gandi la fel si in cazul oamenilor?

Georgi said...

nu...evident oamenii sunt mult mai complexi si nu indeplinesc o functie anume,asa cum fac animalele:mananca,se inmultesc,etc...Oamenii interactioneaza si la un nivel spiritual si decinu putem judeca cine este worthless sau useless.Chiar daca este "slab",un individ isi are rolul sau in univers si poate declansa un sir de evenimente ce pot duce la consecinte spectaculoase sau...dezastraose! Dar tot nu putem judeca cine sa traiasca si cine sa moara - chiar daca uneori as vrea :))