Thursday, January 15, 2009

Nu ca am fi epuizat subiectul ciocolata, dar asa pentru variatie, hai sa vorbim despre inghetata!

In Olanda, la vreo 25km de locul unde locuiesc se afla o "dughenitza",cu cea mai buna inghetata posibila!Preferata mea este:iaurt,cirese,fulgi de ciocolata alba.Pascal a luat una cu:vanilie,mar,scortisoara si napolitana.Sa vorbeasca pozele!!

Not that we exhausted the chocolate subject, but let's talk about ice-cream,just for variation!

In Holland, about 25 km from the place I live, there is this little "hut" with the best possible ice-cream!My favourite is:cherries,yoghurt, and white chocolate flakes. Pascal took :vanilla, apple, cinnamon and wafle. Let the photos talk!


Sammi said...

My favourite is frutas del bosque con yogurt. I get it at the Italian Gelateria in my town on hot days, expensive but worth it.

Georgi said...

mmm...when I'm not in the mood of going so far, I just declare myself satisfied with Ben&Jerry...some baked alaska...ah..marshmallows,white chocolate, swirled in a gooooooooood ice-cream!!

Dili said...

Inghetata de cirese era pofta mea cea poftitoare cand eram burtoasa:-) Tu ti-ai pus in gand sa ma-ngrasi... si pe cea cu ciocolata o ador, dar si de iaurt in orice combinatie.... exceptand migdalele. Cred ca le-as incerca pe toate si gata, ce mai!.

Georgi said...

Salut Dili!Eu cand eram bortoasa as fi mancat pepene rosu ca nebuna!Si cand l-am nimerit pe cel mai bun,nu am putut sa mananc cat am vrut, ca a doua zi ma duceam la cezariana,si dupa 12 noaptea nu aveam voie sa halesc nimic.acum gatesc niste mancare chinezeasca mmm cu caju si bambus...abea o astept sa se faca!!!