Monday, February 9, 2009

Citizen of the world

As an answer to a friend's post, I would like to write a post myself about all the ideas, ideals, limits, aspirations, habits, behaviours, customs that society imposes on us. Some of them we realize and we accept cause we think we have no choice (something else that the system takes care you believe), some of them we don't even realize we take over cause we grow with them and they become reality. All of a sudden I realize I talk like those people who claim they were abducted and everybody looks strange at them. Only by mentioning "the system" I put that mark on my forehead!Man, I wish it wasn't true, and "the system" didn't exist! But someone must be really naive to believe that when such huge interests are at steak, that things are just let to happen, and that nobody cares towards what direction they might go! I'm not gonna go on this road now...(I guess at least everybody agrees with me that we are manipulated and controlled) , all I want to say is that we don't need anybody to tell us who we are (you are a ... German, or Italian...etc), we don't need anybody to tell us what we want (you want...a car, a house, a suit-job), we don't need anybody to tell us how to love (don't get involved too much, you get hurt, and men need this, women need that), and mostly, WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL! Maybe I don't want to be an Italian, but a citizen of the world, I want to be able to live where I want, where I feel good, so down with borders! Maybe I don't want a car and a house and a job in a suit, maybe I feel really happy being an electrician, and it's nothing wrong with that, so down with prejudice! And maybe I want to dive in love, maybe I don't care about being hurt, as I want to give it all, and get it all, so down with Cosmopolitan, and Cover Girl, and all stupid magazines who tell us how to be in order to be successful!! Maybe I don't want to be successful, maybe I am much more happy being a loser! Yet, I am afraid everybody will say:let's be a loser, that's the new trend! a loser man!That's cool! Well, I guess you have to find out for yourself who you are truly, and especially, what makes you happy! Or you just live a wasted life, and that's a pity.


Anonymous said...

Yeah...the only true advice is "be yourself"

Dili said...

Though, man is a social being and nothing can change this. There are too many layouts today which we desperately need to fit in - that, even when we try hard, it's a real challenge to find yourself. I haven't done this yet. I'm still waiting for everybody around me to be happy so I can have the time to deal with myself - and I feel like a loser. It's about courage I'm sure, and I'm still a coward facing the mirror too rarely cause I'm afraid to be happy while the others aren't.
Sorry for this outburst, but I hate myself for being that coward. I'll exercise with this:-)

Dili said...

U may call me crazy, but u know what was the word verification to my previous comment? "losingst".. by the way, may saying is "nothing happens by mistake"
The verification now is "grownc". Ok God, I'll stop losing and I'll grow up, it's a deal :-))

Georgi said...
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Georgi said...

Dili, I am soooo proud of you!!! mai intai am sa-mi permit sa-ti dau un sfat, tot din proprie experienta: nu-i poti face pe altii cu adevarat fericiti, pana cand nu esti tu cu adevarat fericita! Chestie verificata. Altfel creezi un univers de surogate.Nu-ti fie teama sa fi fericita, o meriti din plin, esti unul dintre oamenii cu cel mai frumos suflet si caracter pe care i-am intanit, si-mi place sa cred ca ma pricep la oameni;) da, incerca sa cresti...ce altceva mai bun avem de facut in viata asta? traieste extraordinar, lasa-ti aripile sa creasca!Oricum nu ai nimic de pierdut, tot ce ai material este o iluzie, nu iei nimic cu tine, si tot ce conteaza este cum interactionezi cu cei din jur!Apoi:YOU ARE NOT A COWARD!! Esti doar o persoana f buna, care vrea sa-i faca fericiti pe cei din jur! Te asemeni atat de mult cu Pascal...! Crezi ca el e un las? Din cate il cunosti...crezi asta?Pt. ca si el are exact aceeasi mentalitate ca si tine. daca asta se cheama lasitate...e ceva maret, si se merita sa fi las, dar fa-te fericita mai intai, ok?

Georgi said...

Apropos, nu esti crazy, am vazut si pe alte bloguri ca oamenii au observat similitudini estraordinare intre acel verification word si ceea ce aveau sa spuna, sau ceea ce gandeau. O persoana a spus ca vroia sa lase un mesaj unui tip care avea o barbita de tap ce-i placea mult, si verification word a fost:goatie!!! ce v-am spus eu? 3Sistemu" 3the asculta si ne vad, ne urmaresc tot ce facem....:)radem, radem, intr-o parte!

Dili said...

Auzi, las' sa ne urmareasca, asa se molipsesc vor fi si ei mai buni.... hehe mare modestie pe capul meu, dar daca ma lauzi atata ce sa-ti fac:-) Pai o sa incerc sa fiu mai multumita de mine insami, dar nu garantez, fiindca fizic mi-e foarte greu sa am timp pentru mine. Si revin la ce ma pbsedeaza - prioritatile.
Multumesc mult pt cuvinte... si ma bucur mult ca v-am cunoscut.
Si ca sa raspund, Pascal e ceva rarissim, de la modul cum il priveste pe Luca si pana la felul in care-si exteriorizeaza cele mai frumoase sentimente. Asa e, trebuie sa ne consideram fericite avand langa noi asa multa iubire...

Georgi said...

Si noi ne bucuram ca te-am cunoscut,nespus!

Coana Zoitzica said...

serios acum? unde ar mai fii farmecul acestei lumi fara pitzipoance?

Georgi said...

ah, da, uitasem de acesta specie!