Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New tag

I wanna tell you that I have decided to open a new "tag" that it is called "memories", so as the title says, it is going to contain posts about all kind of memories, older or newer! I am gonna start with a pretty recent memory, the one of our wedding. But, for today I am just going to let you listen to our song, the one that opened the dance evening (man I cry when I hear it, and especially when I listen to the lyrics!). I am just gonna give you one tip: we celebrated our wedding in a castle! It was SUUUUUUUUUUUUPEEEEEEEEERR!! Next day we left in our honeymoon in Portugal. Tomorrow the story and pictures. Enjoy the song, it's a very good idea for Valentine's night...!!!


good girls go to heaven bad girls go everywhere said...

Melodia e senzationala. Abia astept sa citesc maine si sa vad fotografiile.
E extraordinar cum internetul, blamat de multi, face posibila o astfel de legatura intre oameni. Care erau sansele sa ne gasim? Nimic nu e intamplator si noi stim asta, draga prietena.
Pe maine!

Georgi said...

Iubesc internetul exact pe acest motiv. Poate ne-am fi gasit oricum (nimic nu este intamplator), dar cu siguranta ne face comunicarea mai usoara!;)Ma bucur mult ca ti-a placut melodia, la o saptamana dupa ce ne-am cunoscut (ne-am inceput povestea de dragoste de Sf Valentin, acum 4 ani!!)Pascal mi-a pus melodia asta la cd palyer-ul din masina, si mi-a spus ca i se pare ca ma defineste. Pt mine era prima oara cand auzeam melodia, am urmarit versurile si mi s-a parut ca-mi face un compliment extraordinar. Si asa am hotarat sa fie melodia noastra la nunta. Te pupam!

Dili said...

Tagul asta vine asa de bine dupa ce Pascal a promis o poveste a intalnirii voastre :-). Aboa astept sa va cunosc mai bine... melodia e un inceput fermecator!!!!!!!!!!

Georgi said...

Multumesc mult Dili, sper sa va placa si restul.