I have changed the pictures from the slide show! they are pictures from May last year, and show our trip to Romania and back. Leaving aside the fact that I promise to myself NEVER to go again in Romania by car (it was a nightmare!!), the trip was really beautiful. The first pictures are those of the little villa where we stopped to sleep first night, in Austria. There, for 50 euro a night, we got a modest room, and a little breakfast. Next day we stopped in Hungary and even it was a big detour, we wanted to spend half day and a night at Balaton. It was worthy!!For 50 euro we got an apartment in a gorgeous villa, you can see it in the pictures, with a beautiful balcony, two bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, all new!! No breakfast, but who needs it when you can eat with 2 euro per person, a modest breakfast, but enough! The garden was also sublime, and had all you need to spend a beautiful evening outside. BBQ, cradles, chaiselongues, etc. We played some badminton, as after two days in the car....it was a blessing to be able to do so. I'm gonna enclose here a photo of the villa, cause we took more pictures with the new, wonderful villas in the neighbourhood. We also took beautiful pictures of flowers, a nice white balcony with red roses lingering (we framed three of the pictures with this balcony, and hanged them in our bedroom). In Romania, most of the pictures are from Kisseleff park, Calea Victoriei, and on the way back. The last pictures are a beautiful sunset in Austria.Enjoy!
daca nu e prea personal, pune un link cu poze picasa
cum sa fac asta?daca te uiti la slideshow, si dai click pe el, nu ajungi pe picasa, pe albumul respectiv?invata-ma cum sa dau link.
Georgi, imi invarti cutitul in rana cu pozele din calatorii. Eu mi-am bagat nasul in albumul tau, cum ai zis tu cu click pe slideshow. Ce mic era Luca! Sunteti frumosi... Eu acus fac 32 de ani si n-am iesit din Romania, dar sper sa ajungem in Austria la primavara. Cred ca te implineste cunoasterea altor oameni si locuri. Frumos!
pai aia e ca nu vad nici un lideshow. Oricum...link-ul il iei cu copy/paste. Intri pe picasa-web (sau cum ii zice) si de sus din address-bar iei link-ul
Slide show-ul este in partea dreapta, intre lista de folowers si cele trei poze ale lui Luca!Incearca asa!
da Dili, nu-ti poti inchipui cat de mult iti deschide orizontul sa calatoresti. este ca o bomba atomica in creier, ca valul luat de pe ochi. Sunt experiente pline de relevatii. Doar sa calatoresti in alta tara, sa observi cum traiesc alti oameni, chiar daca nu traiesti acolo sa cunosti sistemul in profunzime, simplul fapt ca vezi cum...merg cu tramvaiul; sau cum recicleaza de exemplu, iti deschide orizontul. Cred ca numai o cultura mixta, o amestecatura de sisteme politice si administrative poate fi ceva care functioneaza cu adevarat.
sorry, in partea stanga!
Ba in dreapta :-))))
ca 90% dintre femei, sunt un dezastru in ceea ce priveste orientarea in spatiu, stanga-dreapta...mistere pt mine! Pascal rade de mine ca sunt in strae sa ma ratacesc pe o strada in linie dreapta cautand drumul catre casa! Ceea ce s-a intamplat!
Esti tare, la noi e invers, sa vezi ce iesea prin munti cand incercam sa-l conving pe sotior ca nu-i bine pe unde-o ia... pan' la urma e chestie relativa, nu?:-)
Gata am descoperit si le-am vazut pe toate. Ai un copil extraordinar sa va traiasca
multumesc mult..;si tie cand o s afaci unul, sau doi, sau trei...!:)
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