I was proposed on 14Th of February last year, the date that also was our anniversary:3 years since our love story began! The truth is I was kind of scared of the idea of marriage, so my baby love tempted me with a very nice scenario of a wedding in a castle. That was something that made my imagination run wild, so there was no place for second thoughts, and I immediately said "yeeees". He made some research, and came with some information about a certain castle not too far from the place we are living (35-40km) which was organizing such event. I saw this: http://www.kasteelhetblauwhuis.be/index2.html and I liked it very much! We went there as soon as we could to have a talk, to see better the place, and eventually to book the place. The entrance is absolutely gorgeous, imposing! That was a plus. Then, when we met with the boss of the place, the impression was also good, nice person, only that he asked me like 10 times what my nationality was and he had a very obvious tendency to forget things. On the other hand, I saw him writing some stuff (not enough in my opinion) in a small notebook, in a very tangled way, so I started to panic! I was sure that he was gonna make a big fiasco out of "my day", so I started to be very bitchy about that. I have to mention that on the professional level (and actually I have to admit, not only...) I am a VERY demanding person. I do my job the best possible, I expect from others the same! And since I had to smile in the guy's face and butter his ass (my wedding was in his hands...what was I supposed to do?)of course I was making my future husband's life miserable with all kind of questions, remarks, demands, etc. The more I was thinking, the more I was sure the guy was gonna ruin the wedding, so I asked Pascal to look for another place. With his legendary calm, he asked me to trust him on this one and to let him handle the whole thing. I am gonna skip the details of buying the wedding dress and Pascal's suit, but I am gonna tell you that on 23rd of August we were scheduled to be at the city hall at 9 o'clock in the morning!! That means: waking up at 5 (after making love the till 2 o'clock - last time as single people), going to the hair dresser at 6, having people coming at our place at 8.15, 8.30 leaving for the city hall! The speech was really emotional, the employees tried to make it very personal, warm, classy and unforgettable. And it worked! As a gift from the city hall of Brugge, we received a white little statue representing two people embracing each other, but the beautiful meaning of this statue is the fact that the artist made in a such a way, that inside there is a special compound, mixture of two materials, so if you want to get that, you must break the statue first. A really nice symbol for the idea of marriage! After that we went to the only orthodox church in Brugge, where we were wed by the "arhiepiscop", because the priest was in vacation! The only week in the whole year when the priest was in vacation, was the one when we got married. The "arhiepiscop" is the priest's brother, so he did this as a favour for his relative and for us. It was very touchy and special the fact that all the people from the little choir came from their vacation especially for us, to sing at our wedding. The orthodox church is very humble inside, yet a very warm, family feeling is present. We went there two times, and both times, (also after our wedding ceremony), everybody is invited in a big room where tea,coffee, snacks, sweets are waiting for people to have there a brunch. The treats are mostly from the church's funds which cannot be too much as there are not many orthodox in Brugge), and also from what people want to bring. You can find there Romanians, Greeks, Russians, and other nationalities who are just following the orthodox religion, and mostly everybody is very busy with Romania, that they consider the cradle of orthodox religion. Everybody speaks a little Romanian, the wedding ceremony was also in Romanian, Greek and Latin, and I found there Belgian people who speak Romanian perfectly, became orthodox,and went to Romania many times, just because they feel so! After the church we came at home with a small group of people, only family to have some snack and to eat one of the two wedding cakes that we had in plan for that day! We were supposed to go in Ryckevelde forest (I talked about it on the blog) to have our vows there and to take pictures, but a day before had rained awfully, so...wedding white satin shoes and wet mud...not the best combination! So, we had little sandwiches that came in big bread turtles and crocodiles. Here there is this custom: the baker bakes huge bread turtles with a thick crust, they take the inside bread out, and the feel it with little sandwiches made with all king of types of bread rolls. Then, the cake....mmm...so fruity, so creamy, so gooood!! On our wedding ring and on the cake the were written the words:"Nimic intre" (this is our motto, because of a poem that Pascal wrote for me, in Romanian, and it is called "Nimic intre". As for the party and dinner, everything was at superlative! The food, and the wedding cake were...divine!! The decorations and the hall-exquisite, the music-very good, the service-beyond any reproach! The tangled guy knew very well what he was doing, we had 7-8 waiters that were entering in the same time, one after the other like in the movies, with all kind of food under nice silver bells.The starters, the meal itself and the desert were sooo tasty, everything was top quality, high cuisine and very classy. People still talk about that day and especially about the food! It was almost morning when we came home. We made our vows alone, in our living room, and it felt great! When we went upstairs, I had another extraordinary surprise, very dear to me. A beautiful satin-and pearls, white little box of chocolate was waiting for me on my pillow, and a framed poem, in handwriting. It was the poem, "Nimic intre" with an additional part, the epilogue if you want! I cried a lot, we kissed, then...we got ready to go in our honeymoon (well, not immediately)!But about this...another time!
se pare ca a fost un pic ca in povesti :). Foarte frumos..asteptam poze de la tine. Aaa si apropo seful meu este belgian si vorbeste romana intr-un mod foarte haios.
Ce lume mica!!!Cum te intelegi cu el?Este valon sau flamand? da, nunta a fost extarordinara, si luna de miere asisderea :)
Mai aspectul asta cu valon/flamand , chiar nu il stiu. Este ok ca si om, un pic alunecos, dar nu cred ca tine de natie cat de caracter. Oamenii sunt la fel peste tot, ii diferentiaza, nivelul de educatie, clasa sociala, cei 7 ani de acasa..etc. Dar oameni buni, rai, orgoliosi, invidiosi,...sunt peste tot
Of ce frumos... cea mai dulce parte insa a fost cu poemul care te astepta pe perna impreuna cu cutia de bomboane... Fug la poze!
Sa va fie viata precum acea poezie!
Pai valonii sunt vorbitori de limba franceza iar flamanzii de limba olandeza (un fel de, mai mult diverse dialecte derivate din olandeza). da, ai dreptate, oamenii sunt oameni peste tot, dar eram curioasa.
Am citit totul dintr-o suflare dupa ce am vazut pozele.
Nunta voastra nu putea sa aiba loc decat intr-un castel pentru ca iubirea voastra e o poveste frumoasa.
Va doresc tot binele din lume si sa va iubiti mereu asa!
Multumesc mult scumpa prietena! Tu pui intotdeauna un zambet pe fata mea. "Am citit totul dontr-o suflare..." esti asa de simpatica...:)!
vaaaai cat de frumos georgi!! o poveste minunata. acum imi dai idei si vreau si eu nunti peste hotare :P hai ca poate iti scriu un mail ;)
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