Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Strada salutarilor- Greetings street

Cand intri in oras, la intersectia cu prima strada la dreapta, a aparut un indicator nou: Strada salutarilor! Asta inseamna ca trecatorii se saluta pe aceasta strada, sau macar asa ar fi frumos! Cu zambete largi pe fata, ne fluturam mainile mai ceva decat niste papusi mecanice. Este a treia zi cand trecem pe strada si salutam, asa cum ne invata indicatorul. Pana acum, lumea se uita ciudat la noi (probabil se intreaba daca-i confundam cu altcineva, daca suntem nebuni, sau ne batem joc de ei). Noi, suntem curiosi cate zile vor trece pana cand cineva ne va intoarce salutul!?

When you enter in town, at the intersection with the first street to the right, there is a new sign: greetings street! That means that the people who pass on this street should greet each other,or at least this would be nice!With big smiles on out faces, we wave our hands like mechanical dolls. It's the thirs day when we pass on this street and greet, like the sign tells us. Till now, people look strangely a us (maybe they assume we mistake them for somebody else, if we are crazy or simply mock them). We are curious how many days must pass till somebody will return the greeting!?


Dili said...

Ce idee frumoasa!!! Ar trebui sa fie o lege care sa impuna zeci de strazi in fiecare orasel, a salutarilor, a zambetului, a cantatului (aici m-as duce dupa o zi terna) si viata ar fi mai frumoasa. Keep waving your hands and smiling !

copper said...

I greet you snoopsy and wave at you with my heart