We decided to go out today, and look what we found, just like...10 minutes driving from home! We knew there was a forest in that area, but we didn't know about this huge domain of approximately 300 ha, with a nice castle, a herb garden with over 400 kinds of herbs, a little lake, playing ground and a restaurant with a very variate and rich cuisine! when I entered the forest, the first thing that hit me, was the smell of the wet wood, mixed with the flavour of the one-day -old perfume impregnated in my scarf (Chance from Chanel, a very sophisticated perfume that I wouldn't be able to wear every day!). We walked for over 3 km, and I had to stop from time to time to take pictures, so that I can share with you the enjoyment of our eyes. Pity I can't make you feel the cold fresh air, the sweet lead tiredness that the quick cadence of our steps was pouring in my muscles. Luca was walking almost all the way with us, and when we arrived on the playing ground, he was fresh like a daisy! He played, and played, and ran, and when the time was there for going, it was a scene! He still had enough energy to kick very hard when we put him in his carriage, and even though we thought he would fall asleep on the way back, or at least in the car...guess what!! No way! He demanded for some Shrrrrrrek (with a very long "r" and very short, emphatic "k"!
Haha, go Shrrrrrrrrrek! He probably was too tired to fall asleep...
Thanks for sharing this with us, that smell is the one I adore, I know it from the morning we woke up in our tent in the mountains somewhere near a forest, I'm mad about that smell. Well, there was no Chanel around then, of course :-) I'm glad I see you going out almost every day in such wonderful places. Nice!!!
Hmm...frumos. Cine stie ce pui de conte/duce are resedinta acolo
pt mine mirosul padurii este ceea ce este valeriana pt pisici!! Innebunesc, mi se urca adrenalina la cap, imi vine sa ma rostogolesc pe jos, sa sar in sus de bucurie...sunt pur si simplu fericita! A fost minunat!!
nu cred, majoritatea sunt luate in gestiune, sau cumparate de unii ca sa deschida un hotel, sau Bed&breakfast.Fac afaceri cu el, nu sunt chiar asa e snobi incat sa prefere sa se plimbe prin "jdemii" de camere, decat sa faca bani cu ele. In afara de familia regala cu palatul lor si cateva vile, nu stiu altii care sa aiba palate. Majoritatea care le au in gestiune nici nu sunt asa de bogati, imprumuta bani de la banca. Nu toti banii, dar nu de ajuns incat sa-l cumpere cu bani din cont, de aceea sunt cam obligati sa faca o afacere acolo, sa poata platii rata la banca.
am pus poze din Croatia, dar o sa revin cu mai multe.
In alta ordine de idei, cand spuneai ca pleci in concediu, ca sa stiu cand vin la o ciocolata calda prin belgia. m-am hotarat unde fac concediul anul acesta.
14-31 august plec. Tu cand ai concediu? Sa inteleg ca-l faci In Belgia?
Valerianaaa? Si nu erau frunzele prea udeee? :-))
hehe!am facut doar poze,nu m-am rostogolit,dar as fi vrut!!
prefer concediu in lunile putin aglomerate si mai putin calduroase, asa ca iunie sau septembrie va fi perioada. plus in vara este gol orasul si ma bucur de lejeritatea din trafic. voi include belgia pe ruta cu siguranta-oscilam intre italia si egipt, dar o sa fie belgia si olanda probabil
ok! te asteptam!
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