I need some pieces of advice from you, my pals. Look what it is about. There is a nice TV show-contest going on here, that is called "Come to dinner". Every week there is a group of four people participating in this contest. Each of them must cook a menu that must contain an appetizers, a main course and a dessert. All the other contestants are invited for dinner. After the dinner, the cook gets points from the guests for how good she/he was as a host(ess), and for how good the food was. I registered myself for the contest, as I figuered nobody can resist our "sarmale", "beouf" salad and "savarine" as dessert. They answered me back and now I should move to the next level. I have only one problem: I don't eat fish, shrimps or anything that comes from the sea! Nor lamb, phasant or stuff like that, and I am sure everybody will cook at least one dish with fish, shrimps, oysters, mother of the octopus...cause here people eat "fishy" stuff a lot!I also presume I must eat from all the food otherwise it would be impossible to grade the other contestants. If I try to eat, I am afraid I will puke. Onthe other hand, I would like to participate in this show...it is so much fun, and it would be such a nice experience...What shall I do? What shall I do?
Hmmmm..you can be part of the show, much more than that you can be "queen" of that show when you'll say shit happens with your head under the table(sorry for this badjoke).....or...you can stay at home, watchin' the TV show, laughin and have a good time.
I took the permission for saying that because i don't eat fish either, and i really can imagine.
Anyway..let us know :P
You're not helpiiiiing!! Do I go or not? Shall I take the risk or not? I might win with sarmale, but I might also make a fool of myself saying shit happens with the head under the table (that was a goood one!!). so, vote, people, vote!! YES or NO?
I knew you didn't like anything from the sea nor lamb and so on, me neither... I would go on with the contest if I were you and I'd just say I never eat those things if I'd be in that situation. Who could blame me for not eating them? I'm not sure what the policy is but I'd give points only for the looks :-)
nici eu nu mananc peste, dar e inaintea mielului adica penultimul pe lista. spune ca esti alergica la peste si scapi. singura chestie mai normala din apa, pe care o mananc, este calamri pane-un fel de zgarci de pui.
Ok, you want my point of view. The tasteful fish is the pig :P..now you know my answer :))
ok guys! pai, vred ca o s amerg in urmatoarea etapa;apoi vad eu! practic decizia finala o voi lua inainte de a ma pune ei sa semnez ceva, caci atunci nu mai este cale de intoarcere! Azi ma duc sa comand salciaaaa!!!!!! Yupiiiii!
Eu zica sa incepi sa comanzi peste si sa o iei usor usor::P
Mai, tocmai am vazut emisiunea romaneasca analoaga (asa se zice?))) si era exact un tip care nu manca fructe de mare, pur si simplu nu le-a mancat si gata, a criticat faptul ca a ramas flamand si gata, ce mare lucru... hai ergi mai departe si vei vedea ca sarmalutele vor face senzatie...
da Dili, merg mai departe si apoi vad eu...;)
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