Monday, February 23, 2009

So...I went to the cinema

I went to see "The curious case of Benjamin Button". As I expected I was very impressed with the movie, the atmosphere and the way the two actors in the lead rolls played. Magnificent! But it was not just that! It was quite an event to go again to the cinema. I am not quite a cinema person. I go rarely, and only when the movie is very good. But I like Kinepolis: the sound effects make it sooo special for you. The sound of a water leak on the background of a dialog between Benjamin and an old guy who was stroked by lighting 7 times, so amplified, dropping constantly in your left year, it was quite an experience! For a moment I felt like a superhero with a monstrously developed sense of hearing! Then, of course, to see on such a huge screen the beautiful eyes of Cate Blanchett, the subtle expressions of her face, the little wrinkles around her eyes when she smiles...I was to the cinema like...two years ago. I was pregnant with Luca when Pascal "invited" both of us to the cinema. We saw "The Lake House", and Luca Nathan Declerck was not staying still for one moment!!! :) He was moving constantly, probably because of the excessive noise, especially when music was playing. He was crazy about music since in the belly, just the way he is now!


Dili said...

Ce frumos ai descris totul! Eu chiar nu mai tin minte de cand am fost la cinema, in ultimii 5 ani sigur nu. Doar un teatru de papusi am servit, cand eram la fel insarcinata si fii-mea avea 3 ani. Si la fel burtoiul dansa dintr-o parte in alta.
Serios, chiar mi-ai facut pofta sa merg...

Anonymous said...

Ok, m-ai convins o sa merg sa-l vad si eu. :)

Georgi said...

@Dili orice te scoate din rutina este binevenit.Plus de asta este un film bun, se merita. Incearca sa-ti faci cat mai mult timp pentru tot felul de lucruri pozitive, altfel modul asta de viata care este al nostru al mamicilor, isi lasa amprenta mai devreme sau mai tarziu, si nu vrem sa crestem u crusta de acreala,nu-i asa?
Du-te, nu o sa-ti para rau!

Dili said...

Foaie verde blogareala, noi cu crusta de acreala vom fi apte de socreala!
Glumesc, ai mare dreptate!

Georgi said...

Hehe, radem noi, dar mie tare mi-e frica ca o sa fiu o soacra acraaaa!!